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9 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues 594ea3c72e
improve busybox and --hook-dir examples in man page -- thanks Jochen Sprickerhof! 3 years ago
Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues 3f79c18a0d
since apt 2.1.16 we can use --error-on=any and do not anymore need to error out on all W: lines (closes: #6) 3 years ago
Benjamin Drung 0378c101bb
Pass extended attributes (excluding system) to tar2sqfs
/bin/ping (from iputils-ping) uses the security capabilities to allow
users to use the program:

$ getcap /bin/ping
/bin/ping cap_net_raw=ep

Debian testing/unstable images (variant important) contain security and
system attributes:

$ mmdebstrap --variant=important bullseye root.tar
$ tar --xattrs --xattrs-include='*' -vv -tf root.tar | grep -B 1 '^ '
-rwxr-xr-x* 0/0           77432 2021-02-02 18:49 ./bin/ping
  x: 20 security.capability
drwxr-sr-x* 0/102             0 2021-05-07 15:10 ./var/log/journal/
  x: 44 system.posix_acl_access
  x: 44 system.posix_acl_default

When generating a squashfs image with mmdebstrap 0.7.5-2, these security
capabilities are lost. Example for building a squashfs image in a
minimal Debian unstable schroot:

$ apt install -y mmdebstrap squashfs-tools-ng
$ mmdebstrap --variant=important buster root.squashfs
$ rdsquashfs -x /bin/ping root.squashfs

tar2sqfs from squashfs-tools-ng 1.0.4-1 supports encoding extended
attributes from the namespace `user`, `trusted`, and `security` (see
`include/sqfs/xattr.h`). GNU tar (version 1.34) supports these three
namespaces plus the namespace `system`.

Passing extended attributes from the `system` namespace to tar2sqfs will
produce an error:

ERROR: squashfs does not support xattr prefix of system.posix_acl_default

So pass the extended attributes to tar2sqfs, but exclude the `system`
namespace. Then ping will keep its security attributes:

$ rdsquashfs -x /bin/ping root.squashfs

Closes: #988100
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Drung <>
3 years ago
Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues 88a031477a
add --skip=cleanup/apt/lists and --skip=cleanup/apt/cache 3 years ago
Vagrant Cascadian c51fb24c7b
Use all cores when compressing with zstd. 3 years ago
Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues 236b84a486
tarfilter: add --pax-exclude and --pax-include to strip extended attributes because tar2sqfs only supports user.*, trusted.* and security.* 3 years ago
Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues bd5d3c3dab
tarfilter: remove leftover debugging statement 3 years ago
Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues ebfac91738
also choose null format if stdout is /dev/null and check whether major and minor number of /dev/null are as expected to avoid false positives 3 years ago
Konstantin Demin ccd4b5c163
gpg: handle ASCII-armored keyrings as well
gpg command "--list-keys" requires input files to be passed with
option "--keyring" and each file must match type "public keyring v4"
while gpg command "--show-keys" doesn't require extra options and
handles also ASCII-armored public keyrings as well.

Signed-off-by: Konstantin Demin <>
3 years ago

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ use Carp;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use Socket;
use Time::HiRes;
use Math::BigInt;
use version;
## no critic (InputOutput::RequireBriefOpen)
@ -175,6 +176,25 @@ sub error {
# The encoding of dev_t is MMMM Mmmm mmmM MMmm, where M is a hex digit of
# the major number and m is a hex digit of the minor number.
sub major {
my $rdev = shift;
my $right
= Math::BigInt->from_hex("0x00000000000fff00")->band($rdev)->brsft(8);
my $left
= Math::BigInt->from_hex("0xfffff00000000000")->band($rdev)->brsft(32);
return $right->bior($left);
sub minor {
my $rdev = shift;
my $right = Math::BigInt->from_hex("0x00000000000000ff")->band($rdev);
my $left
= Math::BigInt->from_hex("0x00000ffffff00000")->band($rdev)->brsft(12);
return $right->bior($left);
# check whether a directory is mounted by comparing the device number of the
# directory itself with its parent
sub is_mountpoint {
@ -221,7 +241,7 @@ sub get_tar_compressor {
} elsif ($filename =~ /\.(xz|txz)$/) {
return ['xz', '--threads=0'];
} elsif ($filename =~ /\.zst$/) {
return ['zstd'];
return ['zstd', '--threads=0'];
@ -837,7 +857,23 @@ sub run_apt_progress {
$line_has_error = sub {
# apt-get doesn't report a non-zero exit if the update failed.
# Thus, we have to parse its output. See #778357, #776152, #696335
# and #745735
# and #745735 for the parsing bugs as well as #594813, #696335,
# #776152, #778357 and #953726 for non-zero exit on transient
# network errors.
# For example, we want to fail with the following warning:
# W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored,
# or old ones used instead.
# But since this message is meant for human consumption it is not
# guaranteed to be stable across different apt versions and may
# change arbitrarily in the future. Thus, we error out on any W:
# lines as well. The downside is, that apt also unconditionally
# and by design prints a warning for unsigned repositories, even
# if they were allowed with Acquire::AllowInsecureRepositories "1"
# or with trusted=yes.
# A workaround was introduced by apt 2.1.16 with the --error-on=any
# option to apt-get update.
if ($_[0] =~ /^(W: |Err:)/) {
return 1;
@ -1936,12 +1972,30 @@ sub run_setup() {
sub run_update() {
my $options = shift;
my $aptversion = version->new(0);
my $pid = open my $fh, '-|', 'apt-get',
'--version' // error "failed to fork(): $!";
chomp(my $firstline = <$fh>);
close $fh;
if ( $? == 0
and $firstline =~ /^apt ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+) \([a-z0-9-]+\)$/)
$aptversion = version->new($1);
my $aptopts = {
ARGV => ['apt-get', 'update'],
CHDIR => $options->{root},
if ($aptversion < "2.1.16") {
$aptopts->{FIND_APT_WARNINGS} = 1;
} else {
push @{ $aptopts->{ARGV} }, '--error-on=any';
info "running apt-get update...";
ARGV => ['apt-get', 'update'],
CHDIR => $options->{root},
# check if anything was downloaded at all
@ -2995,17 +3049,34 @@ sub run_cleanup() {
if (any { $_ eq 'cleanup/apt' } @{ $options->{skip} }) {
info "skipping cleanup/apt as requested";
} else {
info "cleaning package lists and apt cache...";
ARGV => [
'apt-get', '--option',
'Dir::Etc::SourceList=/dev/null', '--option',
'Dir::Etc::SourceParts=/dev/null', 'update'
CHDIR => $options->{root},
{ ARGV => ['apt-get', 'clean'], CHDIR => $options->{root} });
if ( none { $_ eq 'cleanup/apt/lists' } @{ $options->{skip} }
and none { $_ eq 'cleanup/apt/cache' } @{ $options->{skip} }) {
info "cleaning package lists and apt cache...";
if (any { $_ eq 'cleanup/apt/lists' } @{ $options->{skip} }) {
info "skipping cleanup/apt/lists as requested";
} else {
if (any { $_ eq 'cleanup/apt/cache' } @{ $options->{skip} }) {
info "cleaning package lists...";
ARGV => [
'apt-get', '--option',
'Dir::Etc::SourceList=/dev/null', '--option',
'Dir::Etc::SourceParts=/dev/null', 'update'
CHDIR => $options->{root},
if (any { $_ eq 'cleanup/apt/cache' } @{ $options->{skip} }) {
info "skipping cleanup/apt/cache as requested";
} else {
if (any { $_ eq 'cleanup/apt/lists' } @{ $options->{skip} }) {
info "cleaning apt cache...";
{ ARGV => ['apt-get', 'clean'], CHDIR => $options->{root} });
# apt since 1.6 creates the auxfiles directory. If apt inside the
# chroot is older than that, then it will not know how to clean it.
@ -4937,30 +5008,37 @@ sub main() {
. " signed-by value";
# initialize gpg trustdb with empty one
`@gpgcmd --update-trustdb >/dev/null 2>/dev/null`;
$? == 0 or error "gpg failed to initialize trustdb: $?";
# find all the fingerprints of the keys apt currently
# knows about
my @keyringopts = ();
my @keyrings = ();
opendir my $dh, "$options->{apttrustedparts}"
or error "cannot read $options->{apttrustedparts}";
while (my $filename = readdir $dh) {
if ($filename !~ /\.(asc|gpg)$/) {
push @keyringopts, '--keyring',
$filename = "$options->{apttrustedparts}/$filename";
# skip empty keyrings
-s "$filename" || next;
push @keyrings, "$filename";
closedir $dh;
if (-e $options->{apttrusted}) {
push @keyringopts, '--keyring', $options->{apttrusted};
if (-s $options->{apttrusted}) {
push @keyrings, $options->{apttrusted};
my @aptfingerprints = ();
if (scalar @keyringopts == 0) {
if (scalar @keyrings == 0) {
$signedby = " [signed-by=\"$keyring\"]";
open my $fh, '-|', @gpgcmd, @keyringopts, '--with-colons',
'--list-keys' // error "failed to fork(): $!";
open(my $fh, '-|', @gpgcmd, '--with-colons', '--show-keys',
@keyrings) // error "failed to fork(): $!";
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
if ($line !~ /^fpr:::::::::([^:]+):/) {
@ -4981,9 +5059,8 @@ sub main() {
# the case
my @suitefingerprints = ();
open my $fh, '-|', @gpgcmd, '--keyring', $keyring,
'--list-keys' // error "failed to fork(): $!";
open(my $fh, '-|', @gpgcmd, '--with-colons', '--show-keys',
$keyring) // error "failed to fork(): $!";
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
if ($line !~ /^fpr:::::::::([^:]+):/) {
@ -5143,7 +5220,22 @@ sub main() {
# figure out the right format
if ($format eq 'auto') {
if ($options->{target} eq '/dev/null') {
# (stat(...))[6] is the device identifier which contains the major and
# minor numbers for character special files
# major 1 and minor 3 is /dev/null on Linux
if ( $options->{target} eq '/dev/null'
and $OSNAME eq 'linux'
and -c '/dev/null'
and major((stat("/dev/null"))[6]) == 1
and minor((stat("/dev/null"))[6]) == 3) {
$format = 'null';
} elsif ($options->{target} eq '-'
and $OSNAME eq 'linux'
and major((stat(STDOUT))[6]) == 1
and minor((stat(STDOUT))[6]) == 3) {
# by checking the major and minor number of the STDOUT fd we also
# can detect redirections to /dev/null and choose the null format
# accordingly
$format = 'null';
} elsif ($options->{target} ne '-' and -d $options->{target}) {
$format = 'directory';
@ -5220,6 +5312,11 @@ sub main() {
error "the $format format is unable to write to standard output";
if ($format eq 'null'
and none { $_ eq $options->{target} } ('-', '/dev/null')) {
info "ignoring target $options->{target} with null format";
if (any { $_ eq $format } ('tar', 'squashfs', 'ext2', 'null')) {
if ($format ne 'null') {
if ( any { $_ eq $options->{variant} } ('extract', 'custom')
@ -5417,7 +5514,9 @@ sub main() {
# tar2sqfs and genext2fs do not support extended attributes
if ($format eq "squashfs") {
warning "tar2sqfs does not support extended attributes";
warning("tar2sqfs does not support extended attributes"
. " from the 'system' namespace");
push @taropts, '--xattrs', '--xattrs-exclude=system.*';
} elsif ($format eq "ext2") {
warning "genext2fs does not support extended attributes";
} else {
@ -5771,9 +5870,9 @@ sub main() {
# change signal handler message
$waiting_for = "cleanup";
if (any { $_ eq $format } ('directory', 'null')) {
if (any { $_ eq $format } ('directory')) {
# nothing to do
} elsif (any { $_ eq $format } ('tar', 'squashfs', 'ext2')) {
} elsif (any { $_ eq $format } ('tar', 'squashfs', 'ext2', 'null')) {
if (!-e $options->{root}) {
error "$options->{root} does not exist";
@ -6125,11 +6224,14 @@ Example: Setup chroot for installing a sub-essential busybox-based chroot with
--setup-hook='mkdir -p "$1/bin"'
--setup-hook='for p in awk cat chmod chown cp diff echo env grep less ln
mkdir mount rm rmdir sed sh sleep sort touch uname; do
mkdir mount rm rmdir sed sh sleep sort touch uname mktemp; do
ln -s busybox "$1/bin/$p"; done'
--setup-hook='echo root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/sh > "$1/etc/passwd"'
--setup-hook='printf "root:x:0:\nmail:x:8:\nutmp:x:43:\n" > "$1/etc/group"'
For a more elegant way to setup merged-/usr via symlinks and for setting up a
sub-essential busybox-based chroot, see the B<--hook-dir> option below.
=item B<--extract-hook>=I<command>
Execute arbitrary I<command>s after the Essential:yes packages have been
@ -6201,10 +6303,14 @@ if the scripts in two directories depend upon each other, the scripts must be
placed into a common directory and be named such that they get added in the
correct order.
Example: Run mmdebstrap with eatmydata
Example 1: Run mmdebstrap with eatmydata
Example 2: Setup chroot for installing a sub-essential busybox-based chroot
=item B<--skip>=I<stage>[,I<stage>,...]
B<mmdebstrap> tries hard to implement sensible defaults and will try to stop
@ -6399,16 +6505,17 @@ Without that option the default format is I<auto>. The following formats exist:
When selecting this format (the default), the actual format will be inferred
from the I<TARGET> positional argument. If I<TARGET> was not specified, then
the B<tar> format will be chosen. If I<TARGET> happens to be F</dev/null>, then
the B<null> format will be chosen. If I<TARGET> is an existing directory, and
does not equal to C<->, then the B<directory> format will be chosen. If
I<TARGET> ends with C<.tar> or with one of the filename extensions listed in
the section B<COMPRESSION>, or if I<TARGET> equals C<->, or if I<TARGET> is a
named pipe (fifo) or if I<TARGET> is a character special file like
F</dev/null>, then the B<tar> format will be chosen. If I<TARGET> ends with
C<.squashfs> or C<.sqfs>, then the B<squashfs> format will be chosen. If
<TARGET> ends with C<.ext2> then the B<ext2> format will be chosen. If none of
these conditions apply, the B<directory> format will be chosen.
the B<tar> format will be chosen. If I<TARGET> happens to be F</dev/null> or if
standard output is F</dev/null>, then the B<null> format will be chosen. If
I<TARGET> is an existing directory, and does not equal to C<->, then the
B<directory> format will be chosen. If I<TARGET> ends with C<.tar> or with one
of the filename extensions listed in the section B<COMPRESSION>, or if
I<TARGET> equals C<->, or if I<TARGET> is a named pipe (fifo) or if I<TARGET>
is a character special file, then the B<tar> format will be chosen. If
I<TARGET> ends with C<.squashfs> or C<.sqfs>, then the B<squashfs> format will
be chosen. If <TARGET> ends with C<.ext2> then the B<ext2> format will be
chosen. If none of these conditions apply, the B<directory> format will be
=item B<directory>, B<dir>
@ -6440,8 +6547,11 @@ C<tar2sqfs> utility, which will create an xz compressed squashfs image with a
blocksize of 1048576 bytes in I<TARGET>. The special I<TARGET> C<-> does not
work with this format because C<tar2sqfs> can only write to a regular file. If
you need your squashfs image be named C<->, then just explicitly pass the
relative path to it like F<./->. Since C<tar2sqfs> does not support extended
attributes, the resulting image will not contain them.
relative path to it like F<./->. The C<tar2sqfs> tool only supports a limited
set of extended attribute prefixes. Therefore, extended attributes are disabled
in the resulting image. If you need them, create a tarball first and remove the
extended attributes from its pax headers. Refer to the B<EXAMPLES> section for
how to achieve this.
=item B<ext2>
@ -6462,7 +6572,8 @@ A temporary chroot directory will be created in C<$TMPDIR> or F</tmp> if
C<$TMPDIR> is not set. After the bootstrap is complete, the temporary chroot
will be deleted without being part of the output. This is most useful when the
desired artifact is generated inside the chroot and it is transferred using
special hooks such as B<sync-out>.
special hooks such as B<sync-out>. It is also useful in situations where only
the exit code or stdout or stderr of a process run in a hook is of interest.
@ -6675,7 +6786,7 @@ Performs cleanup tasks like:
=over 4
=item * Removes the package lists and apt cache. This can be disabled using B<--skip=cleanup/apt>.
=item * Removes the package lists (unless B<--skip=cleanup/apt/lists>) and apt cache (unless B<--skip=cleanup/apt/cache>). Both removals can be disabled by using B<--skip=cleanup/apt>.
=item * Remove all files that were put into the chroot for setup purposes, like F</etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00mmdebstrap>, the temporary apt config and the qemu-user-static binary. This can be disabled using B<--skip=cleanup/mmdebstrap>.
@ -6719,7 +6830,16 @@ Instead of a tarball, a squashfs image can be created:
By default, B<mmdebstrap> runs B<tar2sqfs> with C<--no-skip --exportable
--compressor xz --block-size 1048576>. To choose a different set of options,
pipe the output of B<mmdebstrap> into B<tar2sqfs> manually.
and to filter out all extended attributes not supported by B<tar2sqfs>, pipe
the output of B<mmdebstrap> into B<tar2sqfs> manually like so:
$ mmdebstrap unstable \
| mmtarfilter --pax-exclude='*' \
--pax-include='SCHILY.xattr.user.*' \
--pax-include='SCHILY.xattr.trusted.*' \
--pax-include='*' \
| tar2sqfs --quiet --no-skip --force --exportable --compressor xz \
--block-size 1048576 unstable-chroot.squashfs
By default, debootstrapping a stable distribution will add mirrors for security
and updates to the sources.list.
@ -6943,7 +7063,7 @@
As of version 1.19.5, dpkg does not provide facilities preventing it from
As of version 1.20.9, dpkg does not provide facilities preventing it from
reading the dpkg configuration of the machine running B<mmdebstrap>.
Therefore, until this dpkg limitation is fixed, a default dpkg configuration is
recommended on machines running B<mmdebstrap>. If you are using B<mmdebstrap>
@ -6951,12 +7071,13 @@ as the non-root user, then as a workaround you could run C<chmod 600
/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/*> so that the config files are only accessible by the
root user.
Setting [trusted=yes] to allow signed archives without a known public key will
fail because of a gpg warning in the apt output. Since apt does not
communicate its status via any other means than human readable strings,
B<mmdebstrap> treats any warning from "apt-get update" as an error. Fixing
this will require apt to provide a machine readable status interface. See
Debian bugs #778357, #776152, #696335, and #745735.
With apt versions before 2.1.16, setting C<[trusted=yes]> or
C<Acquire::AllowInsecureRepositories "1"> to allow signed archives without a
known public key or unsigned archives will fail because of a gpg warning in the
apt output. Since apt does not communicate its status via any other means than
human readable strings, and because B<mmdebstrap> wants to treat transient
network errors as errors, B<mmdebstrap> treats any warning from "apt-get
update" as an error.
=head1 SEE ALSO

@ -25,12 +25,20 @@ import fnmatch
import re
class FilterAction(argparse.Action):
class PathFilterAction(argparse.Action):
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
items = getattr(namespace, "filter", [])
items = getattr(namespace, "pathfilter", [])
regex = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(values))
items.append((self.dest, regex))
setattr(namespace, "filter", items)
setattr(namespace, "pathfilter", items)
class PaxFilterAction(argparse.Action):
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
items = getattr(namespace, "paxfilter", [])
regex = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(values))
items.append((self.dest, regex))
setattr(namespace, "paxfilter", items)
def main():
@ -39,22 +47,46 @@ def main():
Filters a tarball on standard input by the same rules as the dpkg --path-exclude
and --path-include options and writes resulting tarball to standard output. See
dpkg(1) for information on how these two options work in detail.
Similarly, filter out unwanted pax extended headers. This is useful in cases
where a tool only accepts certain xattr prefixes. For example tar2sqfs only
supports SCHILY.xattr.user.*, SCHILY.xattr.trusted.* and* but not SCHILY.xattr.system.posix_acl_default.*.
Both types of options use Unix shell-style wildcards:
* matches everything
? matches any single character
[seq] matches any character in seq
[!seq] matches any character not in seq
help="Exclude path matching the given shell pattern.",
help="Re-include a pattern after a previous exclusion.",
help="Exclude pax header matching the given globbing pattern.",
help="Re-include a pax header after a previous exclusion.",
args = parser.parse_args()
if not hasattr(args, "filter"):
if not hasattr(args, "pathfilter") and not hasattr(args, "paxfilter"):
from shutil import copyfileobj
copyfileobj(sys.stdin.buffer, sys.stdout.buffer)
@ -63,36 +95,52 @@ dpkg(1) for information on how these two options work in detail.
# same logic as in dpkg/src/filters.c/filter_should_skip()
prefix_prog = re.compile(r"^([^*?[\\]*).*")
def filter_should_skip(member):
def path_filter_should_skip(member):
skip = False
if not args.filter:
if not hasattr(args, "pathfilter"):
return False
for (t, r) in args.filter:
for (t, r) in args.pathfilter:
if r.match([1:]) is not None:
if t == "path_include":
skip = False
skip = True
if skip and (member.isdir() or member.issym()):
for (t, r) in args.filter:
for (t, r) in args.pathfilter:
if t != "path_include":
prefix = prefix_prog.sub(r"\1", r.pattern)
prefix = prefix.rstrip("/")
if == "./usr/share/doc/doc-debian":
print("foo", prefix, "bar", file=sys.stderr)
return False
return skip
def pax_filter_should_skip(header):
if not hasattr(args, "paxfilter"):
return False
skip = False
for (t, r) in args.paxfilter:
if r.match(header) is None:
if t == "pax_include":
skip = False
skip = True
return skip
# starting with Python 3.8, the default format became PAX_FORMAT, so this
# is only for compatibility with older versions of Python 3
with, mode="r|*") as in_tar,
fileobj=sys.stdout.buffer, mode="w|", format=tarfile.PAX_FORMAT
) as out_tar:
for member in in_tar:
if filter_should_skip(member):
if path_filter_should_skip(member):
member.pax_headers = {
k: v
for k, v in member.pax_headers.items()
if not pax_filter_should_skip(k)
if member.isfile():
with in_tar.extractfile(member) as file:
out_tar.addfile(member, file)
