set -eu
export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8

[ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]
[ {{ MODE }} = "unshare" ]

if ! id "${SUDO_USER:-user}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
	if [ ! -e /mmdebstrap-testenv ]; then
		echo "this test modifies the system and should only be run inside a container" >&2
		exit 1
	useradd --home-dir "/home/${SUDO_USER:-user}" --create-home "${SUDO_USER:-user}"
prefix="runuser -u ${SUDO_USER:-user} --"

# https://www.etalabs.net/sh_tricks.html
quote () { printf %s\\n "$1" | sed "s/'/'\\\\''/g;1s/^/'/;\$s/\$/'/" ; }
homedir=$($prefix sh -c 'cd && pwd')
# apt:test/integration/test-apt-key
TMPDIR_ADD="This is fü\$\$ing cràzy, \$(apt -v)\$!"
$prefix mkdir "$homedir/$TMPDIR_ADD"
# make sure the unshared user can traverse into the TMPDIR
chmod 711 "$homedir"
# set permissions and sticky bit like the real /tmp
chmod 1777 "$homedir/$TMPDIR_ADD"
$prefix env TMPDIR="$homedir/$TMPDIR_ADD" {{ CMD }} --mode={{ MODE }} --variant=apt \
	--setup-hook='case "$1" in '"$(quote "$homedir/$TMPDIR_ADD/mmdebstrap.")"'??????????) exit 0;; *) echo "$1"; exit 1;; esac' \
	 {{ DIST }} /tmp/debian-chroot.tar {{ MIRROR }}
tar -tf /tmp/debian-chroot.tar | sort | diff -u tar1.txt -
# use rmdir as a quick check that nothing is remaining in TMPDIR
$prefix rmdir "$homedir/$TMPDIR_ADD"
rm /tmp/debian-chroot.tar