set -eu
export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
# busybox --install -s will install symbolic links into the rootfs, leaving
# existing files untouched. It has to run after extraction (otherwise there is
# no busybox binary) and before first configuration
{{ CMD }} --mode=root --variant=custom \
    --include=$pkgs \
    --setup-hook='mkdir -p "$1/bin"' \
    --setup-hook='echo root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/sh > "$1/etc/passwd"' \
    --setup-hook='printf "root:x:0:\nmail:x:8:\nutmp:x:43:\n" > "$1/etc/group"' \
    --extract-hook='chroot "$1" busybox --install -s' \
    {{ DIST }} /tmp/debian-chroot {{ MIRROR }}
echo "$pkgs" | tr ',' '\n' > /tmp/expected
chroot /tmp/debian-chroot dpkg-query -f '${binary:Package}\n' -W \
	| comm -12 - /tmp/expected \
	| diff -u - /tmp/expected
rm /tmp/expected
for cmd in echo cat sed grep; do
	test -L /tmp/debian-chroot/bin/$cmd
	test "$(readlink /tmp/debian-chroot/bin/$cmd)" = "/bin/busybox"
for cmd in sort tee; do
	test -L /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/bin/$cmd
	test "$(readlink /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/bin/$cmd)" = "/bin/busybox"
chroot /tmp/debian-chroot echo foobar \
	| chroot /tmp/debian-chroot cat \
	| chroot /tmp/debian-chroot sort \
	| chroot /tmp/debian-chroot tee /dev/null \
	| chroot /tmp/debian-chroot sed 's/foobar/blubber/' \
	| chroot /tmp/debian-chroot grep blubber >/dev/null
rm -r /tmp/debian-chroot