#!/usr/bin/env python3 from debian.deb822 import Deb822, Release import email.utils import os import sys import shutil import subprocess import argparse import time from datetime import timedelta from collections import defaultdict have_qemu = os.getenv("HAVE_QEMU", "yes") == "yes" have_unshare = os.getenv("HAVE_UNSHARE", "yes") == "yes" have_binfmt = os.getenv("HAVE_BINFMT", "yes") == "yes" run_ma_same_tests = os.getenv("RUN_MA_SAME_TESTS", "yes") == "yes" cmd = os.getenv("CMD", "./mmdebstrap") default_dist = os.getenv("DEFAULT_DIST", "unstable") all_dists = ["oldstable", "stable", "testing", "unstable"] default_mode = "auto" if have_unshare else "root" all_modes = ["auto", "root", "unshare", "fakechroot", "chrootless"] default_variant = "apt" all_variants = [ "extract", "custom", "essential", "apt", "minbase", "buildd", "-", "standard", ] default_format = "auto" all_formats = ["auto", "directory", "tar", "squashfs", "ext2", "null"] mirror = os.getenv("mirror", "") hostarch = subprocess.check_output(["dpkg", "--print-architecture"]).decode().strip() release_path = f"./shared/cache/debian/dists/{default_dist}/Release" if not os.path.exists(release_path): print("path doesn't exist:", release_path, file=sys.stderr) print("run ./make_mirror.sh first", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) if os.getenv("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH") is not None: s_d_e = os.getenv("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH") else: with open(release_path) as f: rel = Release(f) s_d_e = str(email.utils.mktime_tz(email.utils.parsedate_tz(rel["Date"]))) separator = ( "------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) def skip(condition, dist, mode, variant, fmt): if not condition: return "" for line in condition.splitlines(): if not line: continue if eval(line): return line.strip() return "" def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("test", nargs="*", help="only run these tests") parser.add_argument( "-x", "--exitfirst", action="store_const", dest="maxfail", const=1, help="exit instantly on first error or failed test.", ) parser.add_argument( "--maxfail", metavar="num", action="store", type=int, dest="maxfail", default=0, help="exit after first num failures or errors.", ) parser.add_argument( "--mode", metavar="mode", help=f"only run tests with this mode (Default = {default_mode})", ) parser.add_argument( "--dist", metavar="dist", help=f"only run tests with this dist (Default = {default_dist})", ) parser.add_argument( "--variant", metavar="variant", help=f"only run tests with this variant (Default = {default_variant})", ) args = parser.parse_args() # copy over files from git or as distributed for (git, dist, target) in [ ("./mmdebstrap", "/usr/bin/mmdebstrap", "mmdebstrap"), ("./tarfilter", "/usr/bin/mmtarfilter", "tarfilter"), ( "./proxysolver", "/usr/lib/apt/solvers/mmdebstrap-dump-solution", "proxysolver", ), ( "./ldconfig.fakechroot", "/usr/libexec/mmdebstrap/ldconfig.fakechroot", "ldconfig.fakechroot", ), ]: if os.path.exists(git): shutil.copy(git, f"shared/{target}") else: shutil.copy(dist, f"shared/{target}") # copy over hooks from git or as distributed if os.path.exists("hooks"): shutil.copytree("hooks", "shared/hooks", dirs_exist_ok=True) else: shutil.copytree( "/usr/share/mmdebstrap/hooks", "shared/hooks", dirs_exist_ok=True ) tests = [] with open("coverage.txt") as f: for test in Deb822.iter_paragraphs(f): name = test["Test"] dists = test.get("Dists", default_dist) if dists == "any": dists = all_dists elif dists == "default": print( f"Setting Dists to default in Test {name} is redundant", file=sys.stderr, ) exit(1) else: dists = dists.split() modes = test.get("Modes", default_mode) if modes == "any": modes = all_modes elif modes == "default": print( f"Setting Modes to default in Test {name} is redundant", file=sys.stderr, ) exit(1) else: modes = modes.split() variants = test.get("Variants", default_variant) if variants == "any": variants = all_variants elif variants == "default": print( f"Setting Variants to default in Test {name} is redundant", file=sys.stderr, ) exit(1) else: variants = variants.split() formats = test.get("Formats", default_format) if formats == "any": formats = all_formats elif formats == "default": print( f"Setting Formats to default in Test {name} is redundant", file=sys.stderr, ) exit(1) else: formats = formats.split() for dist in dists: for mode in modes: for variant in variants: for fmt in formats: skipreason = skip( test.get("Skip-If"), dist, mode, variant, fmt ) if skipreason: tt = ("skip", skipreason) elif have_qemu: tt = "qemu" elif test.get("Needs-QEMU", "false") == "true": tt = ("skip", "test needs QEMU") elif test.get("Needs-Root", "false") == "true": tt = "sudo" elif mode == "auto" and not have_unshare: tt = "sudo" elif mode == "root": tt = "sudo" elif mode == "unshare" and not have_unshare: tt = ("skip", "test needs unshare") else: tt = "null" tests.append((tt, name, dist, mode, variant, fmt)) torun = [] num_tests = len(tests) if args.test: # check if all given tests are either a valid name or a valid number for test in args.test: if test in [name for (_, name, _, _, _, _) in tests]: continue if not test.isdigit(): print(f"cannot find test named {test}", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) if int(test) >= len(tests) or int(test) <= 0 or str(int(test)) != test: print(f"test number {test} doesn't exist", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) for i, (_, name, _, _, _, _) in enumerate(tests): # if either the number or test name matches, then we use this test, # otherwise we skip it if name in args.test: torun.append(i) if str(i + 1) in args.test: torun.append(i) num_tests = len(torun) starttime = time.time() skipped = defaultdict(list) failed = [] num_success = 0 num_finished = 0 for i, (test, name, dist, mode, variant, fmt) in enumerate(tests): if torun and i not in torun: continue print(separator, file=sys.stderr) print("(%d/%d) %s" % (i + 1, len(tests), name), file=sys.stderr) print("dist: %s" % dist, file=sys.stderr) print("mode: %s" % mode, file=sys.stderr) print("variant: %s" % variant, file=sys.stderr) print("format: %s" % fmt, file=sys.stderr) if num_finished > 0: currenttime = time.time() timeleft = timedelta( seconds=int( (num_tests - num_finished) * (currenttime - starttime) / num_finished ) ) print("time left: %s" % timeleft, file=sys.stderr) if failed: print("failed: %d" % len(failed), file=sys.stderr) num_finished += 1 with open("tests/" + name) as fin, open("shared/test.sh", "w") as fout: for line in fin: line = line.replace("{{ CMD }}", cmd) line = line.replace("{{ SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH }}", s_d_e) line = line.replace("{{ DIST }}", dist) line = line.replace("{{ MIRROR }}", mirror) line = line.replace("{{ MODE }}", mode) line = line.replace("{{ VARIANT }}", variant) line = line.replace("{{ FORMAT }}", fmt) line = line.replace("{{ HOSTARCH }}", hostarch) fout.write(line) argv = None match test: case "qemu": argv = ["./run_qemu.sh"] case "sudo": argv = ["./run_null.sh", "SUDO"] case "null": argv = ["./run_null.sh"] case ("skip", reason): skipped[reason].append( ("(%d/%d) %s" % (i + 1, len(tests), name), dist, mode, variant, fmt) ) print(f"skipped because of {reason}", file=sys.stderr) continue print(separator, file=sys.stderr) if args.dist and args.dist != dist: print(f"skipping because of --dist={args.dist}", file=sys.stderr) continue if args.mode and args.mode != mode: print(f"skipping because of --mode={args.mode}", file=sys.stderr) continue if args.variant and args.variant != variant: print(f"skipping because of --variant={args.variant}", file=sys.stderr) continue proc = subprocess.Popen(argv) try: proc.wait() except KeyboardInterrupt: proc.terminate() proc.wait() break print(separator, file=sys.stderr) if proc.returncode != 0: failed.append( ("(%d/%d) %s" % (i + 1, len(tests), name), dist, mode, variant, fmt) ) print("result: FAILURE", file=sys.stderr) else: print("result: SUCCESS", file=sys.stderr) num_success += 1 if args.maxfail and len(failed) >= args.maxfail: break print( "successfully ran %d tests" % num_success, file=sys.stderr, ) if skipped: print("skipped %d:" % sum([len(v) for v in skipped.values()]), file=sys.stderr) for reason, l in skipped.items(): print(f"skipped because of {reason}:", file=sys.stderr) for t in l: print(f" {t}", file=sys.stderr) if failed: print("failed %d:" % len(failed), file=sys.stderr) for name, dist, mode, variant, fmt in failed: print( f" {name} --dist={dist} --mode={mode} --variant={variant}", file=sys.stderr, ) exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()