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Ben closed issue josch/img2pdf#160

Created pdf cannot be oppened using Acrobat

1 year ago

Ben commented on issue josch/img2pdf#160

Created pdf cannot be oppened using Acrobat

Hello, I found a solution by reworking jpegs before img2pdf transformation. The ticket is solved. Thanks for your answers and your help.

1 year ago

Ben commented on issue josch/img2pdf#160

Created pdf cannot be oppened using Acrobat

If it might help, I succeeded to fix the file out.pdf by using https://www.ilovepdf.com/. Please find attached the fixed file.

1 year ago

Ben reopened issue josch/img2pdf#160

Created pdf cannot be oppened using Acrobat

1 year ago

Ben closed issue josch/img2pdf#160

Created pdf cannot be oppened using Acrobat

1 year ago

Ben commented on issue josch/img2pdf#160

Created pdf cannot be oppened using Acrobat

No, no post treatment, I just run the two lines of python given in my first post. Please find attached the result of `img2pdf 10000057.jpg -o out.pdf` I still get the same problem on my side.

1 year ago

Ben commented on issue josch/img2pdf#160

Created pdf cannot be oppened using Acrobat

Upgrading to the last version of img2pdf ("0.4.4") does not solve the problem.

1 year ago

Ben commented on issue josch/img2pdf#160

Created pdf cannot be oppened using Acrobat

Might be possible, i made several tests before posting. Please find below the pdf I just regenerated.

1 year ago

Ben opened issue josch/img2pdf#160

Created pdf cannot be oppened using Acrobat

1 year ago