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2012-09-16 12:33:11 +00:00
author = "H. Surmann and K. Lingemann and A. N{\"u}chter and J. Hertzberg",
title = "{F}ast acquiring and analysis of three dimensional laser range data",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the of the 6th International Fall Workshop Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV '01)",
month = "November",
year = "2001",
pages = "59 -- 66",
address = "Stuttgart, Germany"
author = "H. Surmann and K. Lingemann and A. N{\"u}chter and J. Hertzberg",
title = "A 3{D} laser range finder for autonomous mobile robots",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the of the 32nd International Symposium on Robotics (ISR '01)",
month = "April",
year = "2001",
pages = "153 -- 158",
address = "Seoul, Korea"
author = "H. Surmann and K. Lingemann and A. N{\"u}chter and J. Hertzberg",
title = "Aufbau eines 3D--Laserscanners f{\"u}r autonome mobile Roboter, GMD Report 126",
publisher = "GMD - Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH",
address = "Sankt Augustin",
month = "March",
year = "2001",
author = "A. N{\"u}chter and K. Lingemann",
title = "Ein 3{D}-{L}aserscanner f{\"u}r autonome mobile {R}oboter",
booktitle = "Tagungsband zum 3. Fachwissenschaftlichen Informatikkongress - Informatiktage 2001",
month = "November",
year = "2001",
pages = "89 -- 92",
address = "Bad Schussenried, Germany"
author= "H. Surmann",
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journal = "GMD--Pointer, http://www.gmd.de/pointer/2-98/servicerob.html",
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author = "O. Forster",
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year = "1996",
publisher = "Friedrich Vieweg \& Sohn Verglagsgesellschaft mbH",
address = "Braunschweig / Wiesbaden",
author = "P. Deuflhard and A. Hohmann",
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title = "Closed--form solution of absolute orientation using unit quaternions",
journal = "Journal of the Optical Society of America A",
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author = "P. Besl and N. McKay",
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title = "{R}ecent {R}esults in {A}rt {G}alleries",
journal = "Proceedings of the IEEE",
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year = "1992",
volume = "80",
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pages = "1384 -- 1399"
author = "Y. Chen and G. Medioni",
title = "{O}bject {M}odelling by {R}egistration of {M}ultiple {Range} {I}mages",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA '91)",
month = "April",
year = "1991",
address = "Sacramento, CA, USA",
pages = "2724 -- 2729",
author = "M. Hebert and M. Deans and D. Huber and B. Nabbe and N. Vandapel",
title = "Progress in 3--{D} {M}apping and {L}ocalization",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems, (SIRS '01)",
month = "July",
year = "2001",
address = "Toulouse, France"
author = "A. Sappa and A. Restrepo-Specht and M. Devy",
title = "Range {I}mage {R}egistration by using an {E}dge--based {R}epresentation",
booktitle = "Proceedings of th 9th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems, (SIRS '01)",
month = "July",
year = "2001",
address = "Toulouse, France"
author = "D. Simon and M. Hebert and T. Kanade",
title = "Real--time 3--{D} pose estimation using a high--speed range sensor",
booktitle = "Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA '94)",
month = "May",
year = "1994",
volume = "3",
pages = "2235 -- 2241",
address = "San Diego, CA, USA"
author = "D. Huber and O. Carmichael and M. Hebert",
title = "3{D} map reconstruction from range data",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA '00)",
month = "April",
year = "2000",
volume = "1",
pages = "891 -- 897",
address = "San Francisco, CA, USA"
author = "A. E. Johnson and M. Hebert",
title = "Using spin images for efficient object recognition in cluttered 3{D} scenes",
journal = "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence",
month = "May",
year = "1999",
volume = "21",
number = "5",
pages = "433 -- 449"
author = {A. E. Johnson and M. Hebert},
title = {Efficient multiple model recognition in cluttered {3-D}scenes},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR' 98)},
pages = {671 -- 677},
year = {1998},
address = {Santa Barbara, CA, U.S.A.},
month = {June}
author = "D. Huber",
title = "Automatic 3{D} {M}odeling {U}sing {R}ange {I}mages {O}btained from {U}nknown {V}iewpoints",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Third International Conference on 3D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM '01)",
month = "May",
year = "2001",
pages = "153 -- 160",
address = "Quebec City, Canada",
author = "D. Huber and M. Hebert",
title = "A {N}ew {A}pproach to 3--{D} {T}errain {M}apping",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Systems (IROS '99)",
month = "October",
year = "1999",
pages = "1121 -- 1127",
publisher = "IEEE",
address = "Kyonjyu, Korea"
author = "Z. Zhang",
title = "Iterative point matching for registration of free--form curves",
number = "RR-1658",
year = "1992",
institution = "INRIA--Sophia Antipolis",
address = "Valbonne Cedex, France",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/zhang92iterative.html"
author="W. Schr{"o}der and E. Forgber and G. R{"o}h",
title = "{L}aser range camera applications",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 5th ESA Workshop on Advanced Space Technologies for Robot Applications",
month = "December",
year = "1998",
address = "Noordwijk, The Netherlands"
author="R. Lange and P. Seitz",
title = "{S}olid-state time-of-flight range camera",
journal = "IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics",
month = "March",
year = "2001",
volume = "37",
number = "3",
author="H. Gonzales-Banos and J. Latombe",
title = "Planning {R}obot {M}otions for {R}ange--{I}mage {A}cqusition and {A}utomatic 3{D} {M}odel {C}onstruction",
booktitle = "Proceedings of AAAI Fall Symposium",
month = "October",
year = "1998",
publisher = "AAAI Press",
address = "Menlo Park, CA, USA"
author="H. Gonzalez-Banos and E. Mao and J.C. Latombe and T.M. Murali and A. Efrat",
title = "Planning {R}obot {M}otion {S}trategies for {E}fficient {M}odel {C}onstruction",
booktitle = "Robotics Research -- The 9th International Symposium (ISRR'99)",
year = "2000",
publisher = "Springer",
pages = "345 -- 352",
editor = "J. Hollerbach and D. Koditschek"
author="J. Banta and Y. Zhieng and X. Wang and G. Zhang and M. Smith and M. Abidi",
title = "A ``{B}est--{N}ext--{V}iew'' {A}lgorithm for {T}hree--{D}imensional {S}cene {R}econstruction {U}sing {R}ange {I}mages",
booktitle = "Proceedings SPIE (Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XIV: Algorithms), vol 2588",
year = "1995",
editor = "D. Casasent",
pages = "418 -- 429"
author="S. Thrun and D. Fox and W. Burgard",
title = "A real-time algorithm for mobile robot mapping with application to multi robot and 3{D} mapping",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA '00)",
month = "April",
year = "2000",
address = "San Francisco, CA, USA",
author="S. Thrun and D. Fox and W. Burgard and F. Dellaert",
title = "{R}obust {M}onte {C}arlo {L}ocalization for {M}obile {R}obots",
journal = "Artificial Intelligence",
year = "2001",
month = "Summer",
author="D. H{\"a}hnel and W. Burgard and S. Thrun",
title = "Learning {C}ompact 3{D} {M}odels of {I}ndoor and {O}utdoor {E}nvironments with a {M}obile {R}obot",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the fourth European workshop on advanced mobile robots (EUROBOT '01)",
month = "September",
year = "2001",
address = "Lund, Sweden",
author="D. H{"a}hnel and W. Burgard",
title = "{P}robabilistic {M}atching for {3D} {S}can {R}egistration",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the second German conference on robotics (ROBOTIK '02)",
month = "June",
year = "2002",
address = "Ludwigsburg, Germany",
author="S. Rusinkiewicz and M. Levoy",
title = "Efficient variants of the {ICP} algorithm",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Third International Conference on 3D Digital Imaging and Modellling (3DIM '01)",
month = "May",
year = "2001",
address = "Quebec City, Canada",
pages = "145 -- 152",
author = "A. Lorusso and D. Eggert and R. Fisher",
title = "A {C}omparison of {F}our {A}lgorithms for {E}stimating 3-{D} {R}igid {T}ransformations",
Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 4th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC '95)",
pages = "237 -- 246",
address = "Birmingham, England",
month = "September",
year = "1995",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/lorusso95comparison.html"
author = "B. Curless and M. Levoy",
title = "A {V}olumetric {M}ethod for {B}uilding {C}omplex {M}odels from {R}ange {I}mages",
journal = "Computer Graphics",
volume = "30",
number = "{Annual Conference Series}",
pages = "303 -- 312",
year = "1996",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/curless96volumetric.html"
author = "H. Gonzalez-Banos and J. Latombe",
title = "A {R}andomized {A}rt-{G}allery {A}lgorithm for {S}ensor {P}lacement",
booktitle = "Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG'01)",
month = "June",
year = "2001",
address = "Medford, MA, USA"
author = "H. Gonzalez-Banos and J. Latombe",
title = "Robot {N}avigation for {A}utomatic {M}odel {C}onstruction {U}sing {S}afe {R}egions",
booktitle = "Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 271, (Proceedings of International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER '00))",
month = "December",
year = "2000",
address = "Waikiki, HI, USA",
editor = "D. Russ and S. Singh",
pages = "405 -- 415",
publisher = "Springer",
author = "Chr. Verbeek",
title = "Reaktive {S}teuerung autonomer mobiler {R}oboter",
school = "Technische Fakult{\"a}t der {U}niversit{\"a}t Bielefeld",
month = "January",
year = "2001",
author = "K. Pulli and T. Duchamp and H. Hoppe and J. McDonald and L. Shapiro and W. Stuetzle",
title = "Robust meshes from multiple range maps",
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address = "Ottawa, Canada",
month = "May",
year = "1997",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/pulli97robust.html"
author = "R. Benjemaa and F. Schmitt",
title = "{F}ast {G}lobal {R}egistration of {3D} {S}ampled {S}urfaces {U}sing a {M}ulti-{Z}-{B}uffer {T}echnique",
booktitle = "Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in 3D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM '97)",
address = "Ottawa, Canada",
month = "May",
year = "1997",
author = "H. Hoppe and T. DeRose and T. Duchamp and J. McDonald and W. Stuetzle",
title = "Surface reconstruction from unorganized points",
journal = "Computer Graphics",
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pages = "71 -- 78",
year = "1992",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/hoppe92surface.html"
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title = "\texttt{http://graphics.lcs.mit.edu/city/city.html}",
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author = "R. Klein and Chr. Icking and E. Langetepe",
title = "Entwicklung, {A}nalyse und experimentelle {E}rprobung von kompetitiven {A}lgorithmen f{\"u}r die {B}ahnplanung autonomer {S}ysteme, \texttt{http://web.informatik.uni-bonn.de/I/research/dfg-bahnplanung/}",
year = "2001"
author ="F. Hoffmann and Chr. Icking and R. Klein and K. Kriegel",
title = "The Polygon Exploration Problem",
journal = "SIAM Journal on Computing",
volume = "31",
number = "2",
pages = "577--600",
year = "2002",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/493716.html"
author = "I. Stamos and P. Allen",
title = "3-{D} {M}odel {C}onstruction {U}sing {R}ange and {I}mage {D}ata",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR '00)",
month = "June",
year = "2000",
address = "USA"
author = "P. Allen and I. Stamos and A. Gueorguiev and E. Gold and P. Blaer",
title = "{AVENUE:} {A}utomated {S}ite {M}odelling in {U}rban {E}nvironments",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Third International Conference on 3D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM '01)",
month = "May",
year = "2001",
address = "Quebec City, Canada",
author = "A. Gueorguiev and P. Allen and E. Gold and P. Blaer",
title = "{D}esign, {A}rcitecture and {C}ontrol of a {M}obile Site-{M}odelling {R}obot",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA '00)",
month = "April",
year = "2000",
address = "San Francisco, CA, USA"
author = "P. Allen and M. Reed and I. Stamos",
title = "View {P}lanning for {S}ite {M}odeling",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop",
address = "Monterey",
month = "November",
year = "1998"
author = "M. Reed and P. Allen and I. Stamos",
title = "Automated {M}odel {A}cquisition from {R}ange {I}mages with {V}iew {P}lanning",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR '97)",
address = "Puerto Rico",
year = " 1997",
author ="M. Reed and P. Allen",
title = "3-{D} {M}odeling from {R}ange {I}magery: {A}n {I}ncremental {M}ethod with a {P}lanning {C}omponent",
journal = "{I}mage and {V}ision {C}omputing",
volume = "17",
pages = "99 -- 111",
year = "1999"
author = "P. Allen and R. Yang",
title = "Registering, {I}ntegrating, and {B}uilding {CAD} {M}odels from {R}ange {D}ata",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA '98)",
month = "May",
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address = "Leuven, Belgium",
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title = "Version 2, \texttt{http://skal.planet-d.net/demo/matrixfaq.htm}",
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author = "E. Dam and M. Koch and M. Lillholm",
title = "{Q}uaternion, {I}nterpolation and {A}nimation",
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year = "1998",
institution = "Department of Computer Science University of Copenhagen",
address = "Copenhagen, Denmark",
author ="J. Hart and G. Francis and L. Kauffmann",
title = "{V}isualizing {Q}uaternion {Rotation}",
journal = "{ACM} {T}ransactions on {G}raphics",
volume = "13",
pages = "256 -- 276",
year = "1994",
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author = "E. Pervin and J. Webb",
title = "{Q}uaternions for computer vision and robotics",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR '83)",
address = "Washington, D.C., USA",
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title = "\texttt{http://www.maths.tcd.ie/pub/{H}istMath/ {P}eople/{H}amilton/}",
year = "2000"
author = "W. Hamilton",
title = "{O}n a new {S}pecies of {I}maginary {Q}uantities connected with a theory of {Q}uaternions",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy",
month = "November",
address = "Dublin, Ireland",
year = " 1843",
author ="D. Eggert and A. Fitzgibbon and R. Fisher",
title = "{S}imultaneous {R}egistration of {M}ultiple {R}ange {V}iews {S}atisfying {G}lobal {C}onsistency {C}onstraints For {U}se {I}n {R}everse {E}ngineering",
journal = "{C}omputer {V}ision and {I}mage {U}nderstanding",
volume = "69",
pages = "253 -- 272",
year = "1998",
month = "March",
author = "M. Levoy and K. Pulli and B. Curless and S. Rusinkiewicz and D. Koller and L. Pereira and M. Ginzton and S. Anerson and J. Davis and J. Ginsberg and J. Shade and D. Fulk",
title = "{T}he {D}igital {M}ichelangelo {P}roject: {3D} {S}canning of {L}arge {S}tatues",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH",
year = "2000",
address = "New Orleans, USA",
month = "July",
author = "K. Pulli",
title = "{M}ultiview {R}egistration for {L}arge {D}ata {S}ets",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on 3D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM '99)",
address = "Ottawa, Canada",
year = "1999",
month = "October",
pages = "160 -- 168",
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title = "{R}egistration of multiple point sets",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 13th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition",
year = "1996",
pages = "40--44",
address = "Vienna, Austria",
month = "August",
author = "S. Cunnington and A. Stoddart",
title = "{N}-{V}iew {P}oint {S}et {R}egistration: {A} {C}omparison",
Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 10th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC '99)",
year = "1999",
address = "Nottingham, UK.",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/319525.html"
author ="G. Blais and D. Levine",
title = "{R}egistration {M}ultiview {R}ange {D}ata to {C}reate 3{D} {C}omputer {O}bjects",
journal = "{P}attern {A}nalysis and {M}achine {I}ntelligence",
volume = "17",
number ="8",
pages = "820 -- 824",
year = "1995",
month = "August",
author ="R. Benjemaas and F. Schmitt",
title = "{A} {S}olution {F}or {T}he {R}egistration {O}f {M}ultiple 3{D} {P}oint {S}ets {U}sing {U}nit {Q}uaternions",
journal = "{C}omputer {V}ision -- ECCV '98",
volume = "2",
pages = "34 -- 50",
year = "1998",
publisher = "Springer Verlag",
author = "C. Fr{\"u}h and A. Zakhor",
title = "3{D} {M}odel {G}eneration for {C}ities {U}sing {A}erial {P}hotographs and {G}round {L}evel {L}aser {S}cans",
Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR '01)",
year = "2001",
month = "December",
address = "Kauai, Hawaii, USA",
author = "C. Fr{\"u}h and A. Zakhor",
title = "{F}ast 3{D} {M}odel {G}eneration in {U}rban {E}nvironments",
Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI '01)",
year = "2001",
month = "August",
address = "Baden Baden, Germany",
author = "V. Sequeira and K. Ng and E. Wolfart and J. Goncalves and D. Hogg",
title = "{A}utomated {3D} reconstruction of interiors with multiple scan--views",
booktitle = "Proceedings of SPIE, Electronic Imaging '99, The Society for Imaging Science and Technology /SPIE's 11th Annual Symposium",
year = "1999",
address = "San Jose, CA, USA",
month = "January",
author= "V. Sequeira and J. Goncalves and M. Ribeiro",
title = "{3D} environment modelling using laser range sensing",
year = "1995",
journal = "Robotics and Automation",
pages = "81 -- 91",
volume = "16",
publisher = "Elsevier",
author = "A. Sappa and M. Devy and M. Garcia",
title = "{M}odelling {B}uilt {E}nvironments from {L}arge {R}ange {I}mages using {A}daptive {T}riangular {M}eshes",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems, (SIRS '00)",
year = "2000",
address = "Reading, United Kingdom",
month = "July",
pages = "23 -- 29"
author = "A. Sappa and M. Garcia",
title = "{I}ncremental {M}ultiview {I}ntegration of {R}ange {I}mages",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 15th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition",
year = "2000",
pages = "546 -- 549",
address = "Barcelona, Spain",
month = "September",
author = "M. Garcia and S. Velazquez and A. Sappa",
title = "{A} {T}wo--{S}tage {A}lgorithm for {P}lanning the {N}ext {V}iew {F}rom {R}ange {I}mages",
Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 9th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC '98)",
pages = "720 -- 729",
address = "Southampton, United Kingdom",
year = "1998",
author = "Daniel F. Huber and Martial Hebert",
title = "Fully Automatic Registration of Multiple 3D Data Sets",
booktitle = "IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Computer Vision Beyond the Visible Spectrum (CVBVS '01)",
month = "December",
year = "2001"
author = "G. Turk and M. Levoy",
title = "{Z}ippered polygon meshes from range images",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH '94",
year = "1994",
address = "Orlando, FL, USA",
month = "July",
pages = "311 -- 318",
author = "H. Zhao and R. Shibasaki",
title = "{R}econstructing {T}extured {CAD} {M}odel of {U}rban {E}nvironment {U}sing {V}ehicle-{B}orne {L}aser {R}ange {S}canners and {L}ine {C}ameras",
booktitle = "Second International Workshop on Computer Vision System (ICVS '01)",
year = "2001",
address = "Vancouver, Canada",
month = "July",
pages = "284 -- 295",
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