Compare commits


No commits in common. 'main' and 'main' have entirely different histories.
main ... main

@ -1,23 +1,3 @@
1.4.3 (2024-02-01)
- take hard links into account when computing disk usage
1.4.2 (2024-01-29)
- allow for start-stop-daemon to be in either /sbin or /usr/sbin
- mmdebstrap-autopkgtest-build-qemu: fix octal mode computation and hostname
1.4.1 (2024-01-09)
- set DPkg::Chroot-Directory in APT_CONFIG to simplify calling apt in hooks
- disallow running chrootless as root without fakeroot unless
--skip=check/chrootless is used
- only print short --help output if wrong args are passed
- read files passed as --aptopt and --dpkgopt outside the unshared namespace
1.4.0 (2023-10-24)

@ -165,7 +165,6 @@ Contributors
- Konstantin Demin
- David Kalnischkies
- Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
- Francesco Poli
- Jakub Wilk
- Joe Groocock
- Nicolas Vigier

@ -2,21 +2,11 @@
set -eu
# by default, use the mmdebstrap executable in the current directory together
# with perl Devel::Cover but allow to overwrite this
: "${CMD:=perl -MDevel::Cover=-silent,-nogcov ./mmdebstrap}"
case "$CMD" in
"mmdebstrap "*|mmdebstrap|*" mmdebstrap"|*" mmdebstrap "*)
MMSCRIPT="$(command -v mmdebstrap 2>/dev/null)";;
*) MMSCRIPT=./mmdebstrap;;
if [ -e "$MMSCRIPT" ]; then
if [ -e ./mmdebstrap ]; then
perltidy < "$MMSCRIPT" > "$TMPFILE"
perltidy < ./mmdebstrap > "$TMPFILE"
diff -u "$MMSCRIPT" "$TMPFILE" || ret=$?
diff -u ./mmdebstrap "$TMPFILE" || ret=$?
if [ "$ret" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "perltidy failed" >&2
@ -24,14 +14,12 @@ if [ -e "$MMSCRIPT" ]; then
if [ "$(sed -e '/^__END__$/,$d' "$MMSCRIPT" | wc --max-line-length)" -gt 79 ]; then
if [ "$(sed -e '/^__END__$/,$d' ./mmdebstrap | wc --max-line-length)" -gt 79 ]; then
echo "exceeded maximum line length of 79 characters" >&2
exit 1
perlcritic --severity 4 --verbose 8 "$MMSCRIPT"
pod2man "$MMSCRIPT" >/dev/null
perlcritic --severity 4 --verbose 8 ./mmdebstrap
for f in tarfilter; do
@ -39,7 +27,7 @@ for f in tarfilter; do
black --check "./$f"
shellcheck --exclude=SC2016 gpgvnoexpkeysig mmdebstrap-autopkgtest-build-qemu hooks/*/*.sh
shellcheck --exclude=SC2016 gpgvnoexpkeysig hooks/*/*.sh
@ -75,6 +63,9 @@ export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
: "${HAVE_BINFMT:=yes}"
# by default, use the mmdebstrap executable in the current directory together
# with perl Devel::Cover but allow to overwrite this
: "${CMD:=perl -MDevel::Cover=-silent,-nogcov ./mmdebstrap}"

@ -194,18 +194,18 @@ Skip-If:
hostarch != "amd64"
not run_ma_same_tests
Test: include-foreign-libmagic-mgc
Test: include-libmagic-mgc-arm64
Needs-Root: true
Needs-APT-Config: true
hostarch not in ["amd64", "arm64"]
hostarch != "amd64"
not run_ma_same_tests
Test: include-foreign-libmagic-mgc-with-multiple-arch-options
Test: include-libmagic-mgc-arm64-with-multiple-arch-options
Needs-Root: true
Needs-APT-Config: true
hostarch not in ["amd64", "arm64"]
hostarch != "amd64"
not run_ma_same_tests
Test: aptopt
@ -365,22 +365,21 @@ Variants: custom
Modes: chrootless
Needs-APT-Config: true
Test: install-libmagic-mgc-on-foreign
Test: install-libmagic-mgc-on-arm64
Variants: custom
Modes: chrootless
hostarch not in ["amd64", "arm64"]
hostarch != "amd64"
not have_binfmt
Test: install-busybox-based-sub-essential-system
Needs-Root: true
Test: create-foreign-tarball
Test: create-arm64-tarball
Modes: root unshare fakechroot
hostarch not in ["amd64", "arm64"]
hostarch != "amd64"
mode == "fakechroot" and not run_ma_same_tests
mode == "fakechroot" and hostarch == "arm64" # usrmerge postinst under fakechroot wants to copy /lib/ (which does not exist) instead of /lib64/
not have_binfmt
Test: no-sbin-in-path
@ -433,4 +432,4 @@ Test: skip-output-mknod
Modes: root unshare
Test: skip-tar-in-mknod
Modes: root
Modes: unshare

@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
# This script makes sure that the apt sources.list and preferences from outside
# the chroot also exist inside the chroot by *appending* them to any existing
# files. If you do not want to keep the original content, add another setup
# hook before this one which cleans up the files you don't want to keep.
# If instead of copying sources.list verbatim you want to mangle its contents,
# consider using python-apt for that. An example can be found in the Debian
# packaging of mmdebstrap in ./debian/tests/sourcesfilter
set -eu

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ env APT_CONFIG="$MMDEBSTRAP_APT_CONFIG" apt-get indextargets --no-release-info -
| while read -r path; do
mkdir -p "$rootdir/run/mmdebstrap"
if [ ! -d "/$path" ]; then
echo "W: /$path is not an existing directory" >&2
echo "/$path is not an existing directory" >&2

@ -15,10 +15,6 @@ case "$ver" in
echo "usr-is-merged package from src:usrmerge installed -- not running merged-usr essential hook" >&2
exit 0
'not-installed ')
echo "usr-is-merged was not installed in a previous hook -- not running merged-usr essential hook" >&2
exit 0
echo "unexpected situation for package usr-is-merged: $ver" >&2
exit 1

@ -4,22 +4,12 @@ set -eu
env --chdir="$1" APT_CONFIG="$MMDEBSTRAP_APT_CONFIG" apt-get update --error-on=any
if env --chdir="$1" APT_CONFIG="$MMDEBSTRAP_APT_CONFIG" apt-cache show --no-all-versions usr-is-merged > /dev/null 2>&1; then
# if apt-cache exited successfully, then usr-is-merged exists either as
# a real or virtual package
if env --chdir="$1" APT_CONFIG="$MMDEBSTRAP_APT_CONFIG" apt-cache show --no-all-versions usr-is-merged 2>/dev/null | grep -q "Package: usr-is-merged"; then
echo "usr-is-merged found -- running merged-usr extract hook" >&2
# The usr-is-merged must be virtual, so assume that nothing
# has to be done. This is the case with Debian Trixie or later
# or with Ubuntu Lunar or later
echo "usr-is-merged found but not real -- not running merged-usr extract hook" >&2
exit 0
# if the usr-is-merged package cannot be installed with apt, do nothing
echo "no package providing usr-is-merged found -- not running merged-usr extract hook" >&2
# if the usr-is-merged package cannot be installed with apt, do nothing
if ! env --chdir="$1" APT_CONFIG="$MMDEBSTRAP_APT_CONFIG" apt-cache show --no-all-versions usr-is-merged > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "no package called usr-is-merged found -- not running merged-usr extract hook" >&2
exit 0
echo "package usr-is-merged found -- running merged-usr extract hook" >&2
# resolve the script path using several methods in order:

@ -4,22 +4,12 @@ set -eu
env --chdir="$1" APT_CONFIG="$MMDEBSTRAP_APT_CONFIG" apt-get update --error-on=any
if env --chdir="$1" APT_CONFIG="$MMDEBSTRAP_APT_CONFIG" apt-cache show --no-all-versions usr-is-merged > /dev/null 2>&1; then
# if apt-cache exited successfully, then usr-is-merged exists either as
# a real or virtual package
if env --chdir="$1" APT_CONFIG="$MMDEBSTRAP_APT_CONFIG" apt-cache show --no-all-versions usr-is-merged 2>/dev/null | grep -q "Package: usr-is-merged"; then
echo "usr-is-merged found -- running merged-usr setup hook" >&2
# The usr-is-merged must be virtual, so assume that nothing
# has to be done. This is the case with Debian Trixie or later
# or with Ubuntu Lunar or later
echo "usr-is-merged found but not real -- not running merged-usr setup hook" >&2
exit 0
# if the usr-is-merged package cannot be installed with apt, do nothing
echo "no package providing usr-is-merged found -- not running merged-usr setup hook" >&2
# if the usr-is-merged package cannot be installed with apt, do nothing
if ! env --chdir="$1" APT_CONFIG="$MMDEBSTRAP_APT_CONFIG" apt-cache show --no-all-versions usr-is-merged > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "no package called usr-is-merged found -- not running merged-usr setup hook" >&2
exit 0
echo "package usr-is-merged found -- running merged-usr setup hook" >&2
# resolve the script path using several methods in order:

@ -236,11 +236,7 @@ END
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
APT_CONFIG="$rootdir/etc/apt/apt.conf" apt-get --yes install $pkgs \
|| APT_CONFIG="$rootdir/etc/apt/apt.conf" apt-get --yes install \
-oDebug::pkgProblemResolver=true -oDebug::pkgDepCache::Marker=1 \
-oDebug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall=1 \
APT_CONFIG="$rootdir/etc/apt/apt.conf" apt-get --yes install $pkgs
rm "$rootdir/var/cache/apt/archives/lock"
rmdir "$rootdir/var/cache/apt/archives/partial"
@ -453,11 +449,10 @@ if [ "$HAVE_QEMU" = "yes" ]; then
tmpdir="$(mktemp -d)"
trap 'kill "$PROXYPID" || :;cleanuptmpdir; cleanup_newcachedir' EXIT INT TERM
if [ ! -e ./mmdebstrap ]; then
if [ "$RUN_MA_SAME_TESTS" = "yes" ]; then
case "$HOSTARCH" in
@ -498,8 +493,6 @@ mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio,access=any,msize=128k mmdebstrap /mnt
# need to restart mini-httpd because we mounted different content into www-root
systemctl restart mini-httpd
ip link set enp0s1 down || :
handler () {
while IFS= read -r line || [ -n "$line" ]; do
printf "%s %s: %s\n" "$(date -u -d "0 $(date +%s.%3N) seconds - $2 seconds" +"%T.%3N")" "$1" "$line"
@ -537,8 +530,7 @@ END
# set PATH to pick up the correct mmdebstrap variant
env PATH="$(dirname "$(realpath --canonicalize-existing "$CMD")"):$PATH" \
debvm-create --skip=usrmerge,systemdnetwork \
--size="$DISK_SIZE" --release="$DEFAULT_DIST" \
debvm-create --skip=usrmerge --size="$DISK_SIZE" --release="$DEFAULT_DIST" \
--output="$newcachedir/debian-$DEFAULT_DIST.ext4" -- \
--architectures="$arches" --include="$pkgs" \
--setup-hook='echo "Acquire::http::Proxy \"\";" > "$1/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00proxy"' \
@ -549,7 +541,7 @@ END
--customize-hook='touch "$1/mmdebstrap-testenv"' \
--customize-hook='copy-in "'"$tmpdir"'/mmdebstrap.service" /etc/systemd/system/' \
--customize-hook='copy-in "'"$tmpdir"'/" /' \
--customize-hook='echo localhost > "$1/etc/hosts"' \
--customize-hook='printf localhost > "$1/etc/hosts"' \
--customize-hook='printf "START=1\nDAEMON_OPTS=\"-h -p 80 -u nobody -dd /mnt/cache -i /var/run/ -T UTF-8\"\n" > "$1/etc/default/mini-httpd"' \

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '1.4.3';
our $VERSION = '1.4.0';
use English;
use Getopt::Long;
@ -1551,41 +1551,32 @@ sub setup_mounts {
if (any { $_ eq 'chroot/start-stop-daemon' } @{ $options->{skip} }) {
info "skipping chroot/start-stop-daemon as requested";
} else {
# $options->{root} must not be part of $ssdloc but must instead be
# evaluated at the time the cleanup is run or otherwise, when
# performing a pivot-root, the ssd location will still be prefixed
# with the chroot path even though we changed root
my $ssdloc;
if (-f "$options->{root}/sbin/start-stop-daemon") {
$ssdloc = "/sbin/start-stop-daemon";
} elsif (-f "$options->{root}/usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon") {
$ssdloc = "/usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon";
push @cleanup_tasks, sub {
return unless length $ssdloc;
if (-e "$options->{root}/$ssdloc.REAL") {
if (-e "$options->{root}/sbin/start-stop-daemon.REAL") {
) or error "cannot move start-stop-daemon: $!";
if (length $ssdloc) {
if (-e "$options->{root}/$ssdloc.REAL") {
error "$options->{root}/$ssdloc.REAL already exists";
if (-f "$options->{root}/sbin/start-stop-daemon") {
if (-e "$options->{root}/sbin/start-stop-daemon.REAL") {
"$options->{root}/sbin/start-stop-daemon.REAL already"
. " exists";
) or error "cannot move start-stop-daemon: $!";
open my $fh, '>', "$options->{root}/$ssdloc"
open my $fh, '>', "$options->{root}/sbin/start-stop-daemon"
or error "cannot open start-stop-daemon: $!";
print $fh "#!/bin/sh\n";
print $fh
"echo \"Warning: Fake start-stop-daemon called, doing"
. " nothing\">&2\n";
close $fh;
chmod 0755, "$options->{root}/$ssdloc"
chmod 0755, "$options->{root}/sbin/start-stop-daemon"
or error "cannot chmod start-stop-daemon: $!";
@ -1962,7 +1953,7 @@ sub run_setup() {
# since we do not know the dpkg version inside the chroot at this
# point, we can only omit it in chrootless mode
if ($options->{mode} ne 'chrootless'
or length $options->{dpkgopts} > 0) {
or scalar @{ $options->{dpkgopts} } > 0) {
push @directories, '/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/';
# if dpkg and apt operate from the outside we need some more
@ -2092,11 +2083,26 @@ sub run_setup() {
close $fh;
if (length $options->{aptopts} > 0
if (scalar @{ $options->{aptopts} } > 0
and (!-e "$options->{root}/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99mmdebstrap")) {
open my $fh, '>', "$options->{root}/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99mmdebstrap"
or error "cannot open /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99mmdebstrap: $!";
print $fh $options->{aptopts};
foreach my $opt (@{ $options->{aptopts} }) {
if (-r $opt) {
# flush handle because copy() uses syswrite() which bypasses
# buffered IO
copy $opt, $fh or error "cannot copy $opt: $!";
} else {
print $fh $opt;
if ($opt !~ /;$/) {
print $fh ';';
if ($opt !~ /\n$/) {
print $fh "\n";
close $fh;
if ($verbosity_level >= 3) {
debug "content of /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99mmdebstrap:";
@ -2104,7 +2110,7 @@ sub run_setup() {
if (length $options->{dpkgopts} > 0
if (scalar @{ $options->{dpkgopts} } > 0
and (!-e "$options->{root}/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/99mmdebstrap")) {
# FIXME: in chrootless mode, dpkg will only read the configuration
# from the host -- see #808203
@ -2114,7 +2120,19 @@ sub run_setup() {
open my $fh, '>', "$options->{root}/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/99mmdebstrap"
or error "cannot open /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/99mmdebstrap: $!";
print $fh $options->{dpkgopts};
foreach my $opt (@{ $options->{dpkgopts} }) {
if (-r $opt) {
# flush handle because copy() uses syswrite() which bypasses
# buffered IO
copy $opt, $fh or error "cannot copy $opt: $!";
} else {
print $fh $opt;
if ($opt !~ /\n$/) {
print $fh "\n";
close $fh;
if ($verbosity_level >= 3) {
debug "content of /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/99mmdebstrap:";
@ -2216,8 +2234,6 @@ sub run_setup() {
chmod $mode, "$options->{root}/$file"
or error "cannot chmod $file: $!";
} elsif (-e $file && -e "$options->{root}/$file") {
info "rootfs alreday contains $file";
} else {
warning("Host system does not have a $file to copy into the"
. " rootfs.");
@ -3121,12 +3137,22 @@ sub run_cleanup() {
} else {
# clean up temporary configuration file
unlink "$options->{root}/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00mmdebstrap"
or warning "failed to unlink /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00mmdebstrap: $!";
or error "failed to unlink /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00mmdebstrap: $!";
if (defined $ENV{APT_CONFIG} && -e $ENV{APT_CONFIG}) {
or error "failed to unlink $ENV{APT_CONFIG}: $!";
if (any { $_ eq 'cleanup/mmdebstrap/qemu' } @{ $options->{skip} }) {
info "skipping cleanup/mmdebstrap/qemu as requested";
} elsif (defined $options->{qemu}
and any { $_ eq $options->{mode} } ('root', 'unshare')
and -e "$options->{root}/usr/bin/qemu-$options->{qemu}-static") {
unlink "$options->{root}/usr/bin/qemu-$options->{qemu}-static"
or error
"cannot unlink /usr/bin/qemu-$options->{qemu}-static: $!";
if (any { $_ eq 'cleanup/reproducible' } @{ $options->{skip} }) {
@ -4393,27 +4419,19 @@ sub approx_disk_usage {
# We ignore /dev because depending on the mode, the directory might be
# populated or not and we want consistent disk usage results independent
# of the mode.
my $installed_size = 0;
my %hardlink;
my $installed_size = 0;
my $scan_installed_size = sub {
if ($File::Find::name eq "$directory/dev") {
# add all entries of @devfiles once
$installed_size += scalar @devfiles;
} elsif ($File::Find::name =~ /^$directory\/dev\//) {
# ignore everything below /dev
lstat or error "cannot stat $File::Find::name";
if (-f _ or -l _) {
my ($dev, $ino, $nlink) = (lstat _)[0, 1, 3];
return if exists $hardlink{"$dev:$ino"};
# Track hardlinks to avoid repeated additions.
$hardlink{"$dev:$ino"} = 1 if $nlink > 1;
} elsif (-l $File::Find::name) {
# -f follows symlinks, so we first check if we have a symlink
$installed_size += 1;
} elsif (-f $File::Find::name) {
# add file size in 1024 byte blocks, rounded up
$installed_size += int(((-s _) + 1024) / 1024);
$installed_size += int(((-s $File::Find::name) + 1024) / 1024);
} else {
# all other entries are assumed to only take up one block
$installed_size += 1;
@ -4500,8 +4518,8 @@ sub main() {
architectures => [$hostarch],
mode => 'auto',
format => 'auto',
dpkgopts => '',
aptopts => '',
dpkgopts => [],
aptopts => [],
apttrusted => $apttrusted,
apttrustedparts => $apttrustedparts,
noop => [],
@ -4568,44 +4586,9 @@ sub main() {
'architectures=s@' => \$options->{architectures},
'mode=s' => \$options->{mode},
'dpkgopt=s' => sub {
my ($opt_name, $opt_value) = @_;
if (-r $opt_value) {
open my $fh, '<', $opt_value
or error "failed to open $opt_value: $!";
$options->{dpkgopts} .= do { local $/; <$fh> };
if ($options->{dpkgopts} !~ /\n$/) {
print $fh "\n";
close $fh;
} else {
$options->{dpkgopts} .= $opt_value;
if ($opt_value !~ /\n$/) {
$options->{dpkgopts} .= "\n";
'aptopt=s' => sub {
my ($opt_name, $opt_value) = @_;
if (-r $opt_value) {
open my $fh, '<', $opt_value
or error "failed to open $opt_value: $!";
$options->{aptopts} .= do { local $/; <$fh> };
if ($options->{aptopts} !~ /\n$/) {
print $fh "\n";
close $fh;
} else {
$options->{aptopts} .= $opt_value;
if ($opt_value !~ /;$/) {
$options->{aptopts} .= ';';
if ($opt_value !~ /\n$/) {
$options->{aptopts} .= "\n";
'keyring=s' => sub {
'dpkgopt=s@' => \$options->{dpkgopts},
'aptopt=s@' => \$options->{aptopts},
'keyring=s' => sub {
my ($opt_name, $opt_value) = @_;
if ($opt_value =~ /"/) {
error "--keyring: apt cannot handle paths with double quotes:"
@ -4739,7 +4722,7 @@ sub main() {
push @{ $options->{skip} }, $skip;
}) or pod2usage(-exitval => 2, -verbose => 0);
}) or pod2usage(-exitval => 2, -verbose => 1);
if (defined($logfile)) {
open(STDERR, '>', $logfile) or error "cannot open $logfile: $!";
@ -4956,17 +4939,9 @@ sub main() {
} elsif ($options->{mode} eq 'chrootless') {
if (any { $_ eq 'check/chrootless' } @{ $options->{skip} }) {
info "skipping check/chrootless as requested";
} else {
my $ischroot = 0 == system 'ischroot';
&& !exists $ENV{FAKEROOTKEY}
&& !$ischroot) {
"running chrootless mode as root without fakeroot might "
. "damage the host system if not run inside a chroot";
if ($EFFECTIVE_USER_ID == 0) {
warning "running chrootless mode as root might damage the host "
. "system";
} else {
error "unknown mode: $options->{mode}";
@ -5227,12 +5202,6 @@ sub main() {
if (defined $options->{qemu} && $options->{mode} eq 'fakechroot') {
if (!can_execute 'dpkg-architecture') {
error "cannot find dpkg-architecture";
$options->{suite} = undef;
if (scalar @ARGV > 0) {
@ -5963,6 +5932,8 @@ sub main() {
my $sigset = POSIX::SigSet->new(SIGINT, SIGHUP, SIGPIPE, SIGTERM);
POSIX::sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, $sigset) or error "Can't block signals: $!";
my $pid;
# a pipe to transfer the final tarball from the child to the parent
pipe my $rfh, my $wfh;
@ -5977,107 +5948,163 @@ sub main() {
# b) it puts code writing the protocol outside of the helper/listener
# c) the forked listener process cannot communicate to its parent
pipe my $nblkreader, my $nblkwriter or error "pipe failed: $!";
if ($options->{mode} eq 'unshare') {
$pid = get_unshare_cmd(
sub {
# child
local $SIG{'INT'} = 'DEFAULT';
local $SIG{'HUP'} = 'DEFAULT';
local $SIG{'PIPE'} = 'DEFAULT';
local $SIG{'TERM'} = 'DEFAULT';
my $worker = sub {
# child
local $SIG{'INT'} = 'DEFAULT';
local $SIG{'HUP'} = 'DEFAULT';
local $SIG{'PIPE'} = 'DEFAULT';
local $SIG{'TERM'} = 'DEFAULT';
# unblock all delayed signals (and possibly handle them)
POSIX::sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, $sigset)
or error "Can't unblock signals: $!";
# unblock all delayed signals (and possibly handle them)
POSIX::sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, $sigset)
or error "Can't unblock signals: $!";
close $rfh;
close $parentsock;
open(STDOUT, '>&', STDERR) or error "cannot open STDOUT: $!";
close $rfh;
close $parentsock;
open(STDOUT, '>&', STDERR) or error "cannot open STDOUT: $!";
print $childsock (pack('n', 0) . 'adios');
print $childsock (pack('n', 0) . 'adios');
close $childsock;
close $childsock;
close $nblkreader;
if (!$options->{dryrun} && $options->{format} eq 'ext2') {
my $numblocks = approx_disk_usage($options->{root});
print $nblkwriter "$numblocks\n";
close $nblkwriter;
close $nblkreader;
if (!$options->{dryrun} && $options->{format} eq 'ext2') {
my $numblocks = approx_disk_usage($options->{root});
print $nblkwriter "$numblocks\n";
close $nblkwriter;
if ($options->{dryrun}) {
info "simulate creating tarball...";
} elsif (any { $_ eq $options->{format} }
('tar', 'squashfs', 'ext2')) {
info "creating tarball...";
# redirect tar output to the writing end of the pipe so
# that the parent process can capture the output
open(STDOUT, '>&', $wfh) or error "cannot open STDOUT: $!";
# Add ./dev as the first entries of the tar file.
# We cannot add them after calling tar, because there is no
# way to prevent tar from writing NULL entries at the end.
if (any { $_ eq 'output/dev' } @{ $options->{skip} }) {
info "skipping output/dev as requested";
} else {
print $devtar;
if ($options->{dryrun}) {
info "simulate creating tarball...";
} elsif (any { $_ eq $options->{format} } ('tar', 'squashfs', 'ext2'))
info "creating tarball...";
# pack everything except ./dev
0 == system('tar', @taropts, '-C', $options->{root}, '.')
or error "tar failed: $?";
# redirect tar output to the writing end of the pipe so
# that the parent process can capture the output
open(STDOUT, '>&', $wfh) or error "cannot open STDOUT: $!";
info "done";
} elsif (any { $_ eq $options->{format} }
('directory', 'null')) {
# nothing to do
} else {
error "unknown format: $options->{format}";
# Add ./dev as the first entries of the tar file.
# We cannot add them after calling tar, because there is no
# way to prevent tar from writing NULL entries at the end.
if (any { $_ eq 'output/dev' } @{ $options->{skip} }) {
info "skipping output/dev as requested";
} else {
print $devtar;
exit 0;
} elsif (any { $_ eq $options->{mode} }
('root', 'fakechroot', 'chrootless')) {
$pid = fork() // error "fork() failed: $!";
if ($pid == 0) {
local $SIG{'INT'} = 'DEFAULT';
local $SIG{'HUP'} = 'DEFAULT';
local $SIG{'PIPE'} = 'DEFAULT';
local $SIG{'TERM'} = 'DEFAULT';
# unblock all delayed signals (and possibly handle them)
POSIX::sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, $sigset)
or error "Can't unblock signals: $!";
close $rfh;
close $parentsock;
open(STDOUT, '>&', STDERR) or error "cannot open STDOUT: $!";
print $childsock (pack('n', 0) . 'adios');
close $childsock;
close $nblkreader;
if (!$options->{dryrun} && $options->{format} eq 'ext2') {
my $numblocks = approx_disk_usage($options->{root});
print $nblkwriter $numblocks;
close $nblkwriter;
if ($options->{dryrun}) {
info "simulate creating tarball...";
} elsif (any { $_ eq $options->{format} }
('tar', 'squashfs', 'ext2')) {
info "creating tarball...";
# redirect tar output to the writing end of the pipe so that
# the parent process can capture the output
open(STDOUT, '>&', $wfh) or error "cannot open STDOUT: $!";
# Add ./dev as the first entries of the tar file.
# We cannot add them after calling tar, because there is no way
# to prevent tar from writing NULL entries at the end.
if (any { $_ eq 'output/dev' } @{ $options->{skip} }) {
info "skipping output/dev as requested";
} else {
print $devtar;
if ($options->{mode} eq 'unshare') {
# pack everything except ./dev
0 == system('tar', @taropts, '-C', $options->{root}, '.')
or error "tar failed: $?";
} elsif ($options->{mode} eq 'fakechroot') {
# By default, FAKECHROOT_EXCLUDE_PATH includes /proc and /sys
# which means that the resulting tarball will contain the
# permission and ownership information of /proc and /sys from
# the outside, which we want to avoid.
## no critic (Variables::RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars)
# Fakechroot requires tar to run inside the chroot or otherwise
# absolute symlinks will include the path to the root directory
0 == system('chroot', $options->{root}, 'tar',
@taropts, '-C', '/', '.')
or error "tar failed: $?";
} elsif (any { $_ eq $options->{mode} } ('root', 'chrootless')) {
# If the chroot directory is not owned by the root user, then
# we assume that no measure was taken to fake root permissions.
# Since the final tarball should contain entries with root
# ownership, we instruct tar to do so.
my @owneropts = ();
if ((stat $options->{root})[4] != 0) {
push @owneropts, '--owner=0', '--group=0',
if ($options->{mode} eq 'fakechroot') {
# By default, FAKECHROOT_EXCLUDE_PATH includes /proc and
# /sys which means that the resulting tarball will contain
# the permission and ownership information of /proc and
# /sys from the outside, which we want to avoid.
## no critic (Variables::RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars)
# Fakechroot requires tar to run inside the chroot or
# otherwise absolute symlinks will include the path to the
# root directory
0 == system('chroot', $options->{root}, 'tar',
@taropts, '-C', '/', '.')
or error "tar failed: $?";
} elsif (any { $_ eq $options->{mode} } ('root', 'chrootless'))
# If the chroot directory is not owned by the root user,
# then we assume that no measure was taken to fake root
# permissions. Since the final tarball should contain
# entries with root ownership, we instruct tar to do so.
my @owneropts = ();
if ((stat $options->{root})[4] != 0) {
push @owneropts, '--owner=0', '--group=0',
0 == system('tar', @taropts, @owneropts, '-C',
$options->{root}, '.')
or error "tar failed: $?";
} else {
error "unknown mode: $options->{mode}";
0 == system('tar', @taropts, @owneropts, '-C',
$options->{root}, '.')
or error "tar failed: $?";
info "done";
} elsif (any { $_ eq $options->{format} } ('directory', 'null')) {
# nothing to do
} else {
error "unknown mode: $options->{mode}";
error "unknown format: $options->{format}";
info "done";
} elsif (any { $_ eq $options->{format} } ('directory', 'null')) {
# nothing to do
} else {
error "unknown format: $options->{format}";
exit 0;
my $pid;
if ($options->{mode} eq 'unshare') {
$pid = get_unshare_cmd($worker, \@idmap);
} elsif (any { $_ eq $options->{mode} }
('root', 'fakechroot', 'chrootless')) {
$pid = fork() // error "fork() failed: $!";
if ($pid == 0) {
exit 0;
} else {
error "unknown mode: $options->{mode}";
@ -6365,52 +6392,45 @@ B<mmdebstrap> creates a Debian chroot of I<SUITE> into I<TARGET> from one or
more I<MIRROR>s. It is meant as an alternative to the debootstrap tool (see
section B<DEBOOTSTRAP>). In contrast to debootstrap it uses apt to resolve
dependencies and is thus able to use more than one mirror and resolve more
complex dependency relationships. See section B<OPERATION> for an overview of
how B<mmdebstrap> works internally.
The I<SUITE> option may either be a valid release code name (eg, sid, bookworm,
trixie) or a symbolic name (eg, unstable, testing, stable, oldstable). Any
suite name that works with apt on the given mirror will work. The I<SUITE>
option is optional if no I<TARGET> and no I<MIRROR> option is provided. If
I<SUITE> is missing, then the information of the desired suite has to come from
standard input as part of a valid apt sources.list file or be set up via hooks.
complex dependencies. See section B<OPERATION> for an overview of how
B<mmdebstrap> works internally.
If no I<MIRROR> option is provided and I<SUITE> is not a stable release name,
L<> is used. If I<SUITE> is a stable release name
and no I<MIRROR> is specified, then mirrors for updates and security are
automatically added. If a I<MIRROR> option starts with "deb " or "deb-src "
then it is used as a one-line-style format entry for apt's sources.list inside
the chroot. If a I<MIRROR> option contains a "://" then it is interpreted as a
mirror URI and the apt line inside the chroot is assembled as "deb [arch=A] B C
D" where A is the host's native architecture, B is the I<MIRROR>, C is the
given I<SUITE> and D is the components given via B<--components> (defaults to
"main"). If a I<MIRROR> option happens to be an existing file, then its
contents are pasted into the chroot's sources.list. This can be used to supply
a deb822 style sources.list. If I<MIRROR> is C<-> then standard input is pasted
into the chroot's sources.list. More than one mirror can be specified and are
appended to the chroot's sources.list in the given order. If you specify a
https or tor I<MIRROR> and you want the chroot to be able to update itself,
don't forget to also install the ca-certificates package, the
apt-transport-https package for apt versions less than 1.5 and/or the
apt-transport-tor package using the B<--include> option, as necessary.
The optional I<TARGET> argument can either be the path to a directory, the path
to a tarball filename, the path to a squashfs image, the path to an ext2 image,
a FIFO, a character special device, or C<->. Without the B<--format> option,
I<TARGET> will be used to choose the format. See the section B<FORMATS> for
more information. If no I<TARGET> was specified or if I<TARGET> is C<->, an
uncompressed tarball will be sent to standard output.
The I<SUITE> may be a valid release code name (eg, sid, stretch, jessie) or a
symbolic name (eg, unstable, testing, stable, oldstable). Any suite name that
works with apt on the given mirror will work. If no I<SUITE> was specified,
then a single I<MIRROR> C<-> is added and thus the information of the desired
suite has to come from standard input as part of a valid apt sources.list file.
The value of the I<SUITE> argument will be used to determine which apt index to
use for finding out the set of C<Essential:yes> packages and/or the set of
packages with the right priority for the selected variant. This functionality
can be disabled by choosing the empty string for I<SUITE>. See the section
packages with the right priority for the selected variant. See the section
B<VARIANTS> for more information.
The I<TARGET> option may either be the path to a directory, the path to a
tarball filename, the path to a squashfs image, the path to an ext2 image, a
FIFO, a character special device, or C<->. The I<TARGET> option is optional if
no I<MIRROR> option is provided. If I<TARGET> is missing or if I<TARGET> is
C<->, an uncompressed tarball will be sent to standard output. Without the
B<--format> option, I<TARGET> will be used to choose the format. See the
section B<FORMATS> for more information.
The I<MIRROR> option may either be provided as a URI, in apt one-line format,
as a path to a file in apt's one-line or deb822-format, or C<->. If no
I<MIRROR> option is provided, then L<> is used as
the default. If I<SUITE> does not refer to "unstable" or "testing", then
I<SUITE>-updates and I<SUITE>-security mirrors are automatically added. If a
I<MIRROR> option starts with "deb " or "deb-src " then it is used as a one-line
format entry for apt's sources.list inside the chroot. If a I<MIRROR> option
contains a "://" then it is interpreted as a mirror URI and the apt line inside
the chroot is assembled as "deb [arch=A] B C D" where A is the host's native
architecture, B is the I<MIRROR>, C is the given I<SUITE> and D is the
components given via B<--components> (defaults to "main"). If a I<MIRROR>
option happens to be an existing file, then its contents are written into the
chroot's sources.list (if the first I<MIRROR> is a file in one-line format) or
into the chroot's sources.list.d directory, named with the extension .list or
.sources, depending on whether the file is in one-line or deb822 format,
respectively. If I<MIRROR> is C<-> then standard input is pasted into the
chroot's sources.list. More than one mirror can be specified and are appended
to the chroot's sources.list in the given order. If you specify a https or tor
I<MIRROR> and you want the chroot to be able to update itself, don't forget to
also install the ca-certificates package, the apt-transport-https package for
apt versions less than 1.5 and/or the apt-transport-tor package using the
B<--include> option, as necessary.
All status output is printed to standard error unless B<--logfile> is used to
redirect it to a file or B<--quiet> or B<--silent> is used to suppress any
output on standard error. Help and version information will be printed to
@ -6877,39 +6897,12 @@ Or without LXC:
$ mmdebstrap --unshare-helper /usr/sbin/chroot ./debian-rootfs /bin/bash
Or without mmdebstrap:
$ unshare --map-auto --map-user=65536 --map-group=65536 --keep-caps -- \
> /usr/sbin/chroot ./debian-rootfs /bin/bash
The above uses C<--map-auto> to map the block of user/group ids for the
effective user/group to a block starting at user/group ID 0. We also want to
map the current effective user/group ID into the subuid/subgid range using
C<--map-user> and C<--map-group>, respectively. But if that uid/gid overlaps
with the respective range, a "hole" will be removed from the mapping and the
remaining uid/gid values will get shifted. Thus, we map the current effective
user/group ID to the highest possible uid/gid, putting them at the end. Since
that means that the user/group will be "nobody" and not "root" inside the
namespace, C<--keep-caps> propagate permitted capabilities into the ambient set
and thus give the user C<CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE> and other capabilities that it
would've had.
Lastly, if you don't mind using superuser privileges and have systemd-nspawn
Or, if you don't mind using superuser privileges and have systemd-nspawn
available and you know your subuid/subgid offset (100000 in this example):
$ sudo systemd-nspawn --private-users=100000 \
> --directory=./debian-rootfs /bin/bash
A directory created in B<unshare> mode cannot be removed the normal way.
Instead, use something like this:
$ unshare --map-root-user --map-auto rm -rf ./debian-rootfs
The above L<unshare(1)> command will map user and group ids into different
ranges compared to the mapping used by B<mmdebstrap> (effectively shifting them
one up) but it will provide the required capabilities for the removal
If this mode is used as the root user, the user namespace is not unshared (but
the mount namespace and other still are) and created directories will have
correct ownership information. This is also useful in cases where the root user
@ -6941,13 +6934,10 @@ dpkg-root-support usertag of in the Debian bug
tracking system. B<WARNING>: if this option is used carelessly with packages
that do not support C<DPKG_ROOT>, this mode can result in undesired changes to
the system running B<mmdebstrap> because maintainer-scripts will be run without
L<chroot(1)>. Make sure to run this mode without superuser privileges and/or
inside a throw-away chroot environment like so:
mmdebstrap --variant=apt --include=mmdebstrap \
--customize-hook='chroot "$1" mmdebstrap --mode=chrootless
--variant=apt unstable chrootless.tar' \
--customize-hook='copy-out chrootless.tar .' unstable /dev/null
=for TODO
=item B<qemu>
@ -6978,9 +6968,7 @@ then this variant will fail because it cannot configure the packages.
=item B<essential>
C<Essential:yes> packages. If I<SUITE> is a non-empty string, then only
packages from the archive with suite or codename matching I<SUITE> will be
considered for selection of C<Essential:yes> packages.
C<Essential:yes> packages.
=item B<apt>
@ -6993,19 +6981,19 @@ get installed at once. The downside of this variant is, that if it should
happen that an B<essential> package is not installable, then it will just get
ignored without throwing an error.
=item B<buildd>
=item B<required>, B<minbase>
The B<essential> set plus apt and build-essential.
The B<essential> set plus all packages with Priority:required and apt.
It is roughly equivalent to running mmdebstrap with
--variant=essential --include="apt,build-essential"
--variant=essential --include="?priority(required)"
=item B<required>, B<minbase>
=item B<buildd>
The B<essential> set plus all packages with Priority:required.
The B<minbase> set plus build-essential.
It is roughly equivalent to running mmdebstrap with
--variant=essential --include="?priority(required)"
--variant=essential --include="?priority(required),build-essential"
=item B<important>, B<debootstrap>, B<->
@ -7252,8 +7240,6 @@ Upon startup, several checks are carried out, like:
=item * which mode to use and whether prerequisites are met
=item * do not allow chrootless mode as root (without fakeroot) unless inside a chroot. This check can be disabled using B<--skip=check/chrootless>
=item * whether the requested architecture can be executed (requires arch-test) using qemu binfmt_misc support. This requires arch-test and can be disabled using B<--skip=check/qemu>
=item * how the apt sources can be assembled from I<SUITE>, I<MIRROR> and B<--components> and/or from standard input as deb822 or one-line format and whether the required GPG keys exist.
@ -7315,7 +7301,7 @@ them afterwards. This can be disabled using B<--skip=chroot/mount> or
specifically by B<--skip=chroot/mount/dev>, B<--skip=chroot/mount/proc> and
B<--skip=chroot/mount/sys>, respectively. B<mmdebstrap> will disable running
services by temporarily moving F</usr/sbin/policy-rc.d> and
F</usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon> if they exist. This can be disabled with
F</sbin/start-stop-daemon> if they exist. This can be disabled with
B<--skip=chroot/policy-rc.d> and B<--skip=chroot/start-stop-daemon>,
@ -7326,7 +7312,8 @@ Extract the downloaded packages into the rootfs.
=item B<prepare>
In B<fakechroot> mode, environment variables C<LD_LIBRARY_PATH> will be set up
correctly. For foreign B<fakechroot> environments, C<LD_LIBRARY_PATH> and
correctly. If the chroot requires the qemu-user-static binary it will be copied
in. For foreign B<fakechroot> environments, C<LD_LIBRARY_PATH> and
C<QEMU_LD_PREFIX> are set up accordingly. This step is not carried out in
B<extract> mode and neither for the B<chrootless> variant.
@ -7361,7 +7348,7 @@ This step is not carried out in B<extract> mode.
=item B<unmount>
Unmount everything that was mounted during the B<mount> stage and restores
F</usr/sbin/policy-rc.d> and F</usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon> if necessary.
F</usr/sbin/policy-rc.d> and F</sbin/start-stop-daemon> if necessary.
=item B<cleanup>
@ -7371,7 +7358,7 @@ Performs cleanup tasks, unless B<--skip=cleanup> is used:
=item * Removes the package lists (unless B<--skip=cleanup/apt/lists>) and apt cache (unless B<--skip=cleanup/apt/cache>). Both removals can be disabled by using B<--skip=cleanup/apt>.
=item * Remove all files that were put into the chroot for setup purposes, like F</etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00mmdebstrap> and the temporary apt config. This can be disabled using B<--skip=cleanup/mmdebstrap>.
=item * Remove all files that were put into the chroot for setup purposes, like F</etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00mmdebstrap>, the temporary apt config and the qemu-user-static binary. This can be disabled using B<--skip=cleanup/mmdebstrap>.
=item * Remove files that make the result unreproducible and write the empty string to /etc/machine-id if it exists. This can be disabled using B<--skip=cleanup/reproducible>. Note that this will not remove files that make the result unreproducible on machines with differing F</etc/resolv.conf> or F</etc/hostname>. Use a B<--customize-hook> to make those two files reproducible across multiple hosts. See section C<SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH> for more information. The following files will be removed:
@ -7489,7 +7476,7 @@ translated manual packages (but not the untranslated ones), and documentation
Create a bootable USB Stick that boots into a full Debian desktop:
$ mmdebstrap --aptopt='Apt::Install-Recommends "true"' --customize-hook \
'chroot "$1" adduser --comment user --disabled-password user' \
'chroot "$1" adduser --gecos user --disabled-password user' \
--customize-hook='echo 'user:live' | chroot "$1" chpasswd' \
--customize-hook='echo host > "$1/etc/hostname"' \
--customize-hook='echo " localhost host" > "$1/etc/hosts"' \

@ -30,9 +30,7 @@ B<mmdebstrap-autopkgtest-build-qemu> is a mostly compatible drop-in replacement
for L<autopkgtest-build-qemu(1)> with two main differences: Firstly, it uses
L<mmdebstrap(1)> instead of L<vmdb2(1)> and thus is able to create QEMU disk
images without requiring superuser privileges. Secondly, it uses
L<systemd-boot(7)> and thus only supports booting via EFI. For architectures
for which L<autopkgtest-virt-qemu(1)> does not default to EFI booting you must
pass B<--boot=efi> when invoking the autopkgtest virt backend.
L<systemd-boot(7)> and thus only supports booting via EFI.
@ -98,17 +96,9 @@ Passes an additional B<--keyring> parameter to B<mmdebstrap>.
Make sure, that F</path/to/debian-unstable.img> is a path that the unshared
user has access to. This can be done by ensuring world-execute permissions on
all path components or by creating the image in a world-readable directory like
/tmp before copying it into its final location.
$ mmdebstrap-autopkgtest-build-qemu --boot=efi stable /path/to/debian-stable-i386.img i386
$ mmdebstrap-autopkgtest-build-qemu --boot=efi --arch=amd64 unstable /path/to/debian-unstable.img
$ autopkgtest mypackage -- qemu --boot=efi --dpkg-architecture=amd64 /path/to/debian-unstable.img
Make sure to add B<--boot=efi> to both the B<mmdebstrap-autopkgtest-build-qemu>
as well as the B<autopkgtest-virt-qemu> invocation.
$ mmdebstrap-autopkgtest-build-qemu --boot=efi unstable /path/to/debian-unstable.img
=head1 SEE ALSO
@ -233,63 +223,37 @@ test "$BOOT" = efi ||
die "unsupported architecture: $ARCHITECTURE"
die "unsupported architecture"
test_installed() {
if [ "$(dpkg-query -f '${db:Status-Status}' -W "$pkg")" != installed ]; then
die "please install $pkg"
for pkg in autopkgtest dosfstools e2fsprogs fdisk mount mtools passwd uidmap; do
test_installed "$pkg"
if test "$(dpkg-query -f '${db:Status-Status}' -W binutils-multiarch)" = installed; then
test_installed dpkg-dev
GNU_SUFFIX="-$(echo "$GNU_ARCHITECTURE" | tr _ -)"
test "$(dpkg-query -f '${db:Status-Status}' -W "binutils$GNU_SUFFIX")" = installed ||
die "please install binutils$GNU_SUFFIX or binutils-multiarch"
arches=" $(dpkg --print-architecture) $(dpkg --print-foreign-architectures | tr '\n' ' ') "
case $arches in
*" $ARCHITECTURE "*) : ;; # nothing to do
*) die "enable $ARCHITECTURE by running: sudo dpkg --add-architecture $ARCHITECTURE && sudo apt update" ;;
test_installed "systemd-boot-efi:$ARCHITECTURE"
for pkg in autopkgtest dosfstools e2fsprogs fdisk mount mtools passwd "systemd-boot-efi:$ARCHITECTURE" uidmap; do
test "$(dpkg-query -f '${db:Status-Status}' -W "$pkg")" = installed ||
die "please install $pkg"
@ -306,35 +270,14 @@ WORKDIR=$(mktemp -d)
# The image is raw and not in qcow2 format because:
# - faster run-time as the "qemu-image convert" step is not needed
# - image can be used independent of qemu tooling
# - modifying the image just with "mount" instead of requiring qemu-nbd
# - sparse images make the file just as small as with qcow2
# - trim support is more difficult on qcow2
# - snapshots and overlays work just as well with raw images
# - users who prefer qcow2 get to choose to run it themselves with their own
# custom options like compression
# --map-users=auto --map-user=0 => 0:$UID:1 + 1:$SUBUIDBASE:65535
# --map-users=auto --map-user=65536 => 0:$SUBUIDBASE:65536 + 65536:$UID:1
# Make the image writeable to the first subgid. mmdebstrap will map this gid to
# the root group. unshare instead will map the current gid to 0 and the first
# subgid to 1. Therefore mmdebstrap will be able to write to the image.
rm -f "$IMAGE"
: >"$IMAGE"
unshare --map-user=0 --map-group=0 --map-groups=auto chown 0:1 "$IMAGE"
unshare -U -r --map-groups=auto chown 0:1 "$IMAGE"
chmod 0660 "$IMAGE"
# Make sure that the unshared user is able to access the file.
# Alternatively to using /sbin/mkfs.ext4 could use --format=ext2 which would
# add an extra copy operation and come with the limitations of ext2.
# Another solution:
if ! mmdebstrap --unshare-helper touch "$IMAGE"; then
die "$IMAGE cannot be accessed by the unshared user -- either make all path components up to the image itself world-executable or place the image into a world-readable path like /tmp"
set -- \
--mode=unshare \
--variant=important \
@ -345,8 +288,8 @@ test "$RELEASE" = jessie &&
set -- "$@" \
"--include=init,linux-image-$ARCHITECTURE,python3" \
'--customize-hook=echo host >"$1/etc/hostname"' \
'--customize-hook=echo localhost host >"$1/etc/hosts"' \
'--customize-hook=echo autopkgtestvm >"$1/etc/hostname"' \
'--customize-hook=echo localhost autopkgtestvm >"$1/etc/hosts"' \
'--customize-hook=passwd --root "$1" --delete root' \
'--customize-hook=useradd --root "$1" --home-dir /home/user --create-home user' \
'--customize-hook=passwd --root "$1" --delete user' \
@ -364,11 +307,10 @@ EXT4_OPTIONS="offset=$EXT4_OFFSET_BYTES,assume_storage_prezeroed=1"
set -- "$@" \
"--customize-hook=download vmlinuz '$WORKDIR/kernel'" \
"--customize-hook=download initrd.img '$WORKDIR/initrd'" \
'--customize-hook=mount --no-mtab --bind "$1" "$1/mnt"' \
'--customize-hook=mount --no-mtab --bind "$1/mnt/mnt" "$1/mnt/dev"' \
'--customize-hook=mount --bind "$1" "$1/mnt"' \
'--customize-hook=mount --bind "$1/mnt/mnt" "$1/mnt/dev"' \
'--customize-hook=/sbin/mkfs.ext4 -d "$1/mnt" -L autopkgtestvm -E '"'$EXT4_OPTIONS' '$IMAGE' '$SIZE'" \
'--customize-hook=umount --lazy --no-mtab "$1/mnt/dev"' \
'--customize-hook=umount --lazy --no-mtab "$1/mnt"' \
'--customize-hook=umount --lazy "$1/mnt"' \
@ -379,7 +321,7 @@ echo "mmdebstrap $*"
mmdebstrap "$@" || die "mmdebstrap failed"
unshare -U -r --map-groups=auto chown 0:0 "$IMAGE"
chmod "$(printf %o "$(( 0666 & ~0$(umask) ))")" "$IMAGE"
chmod "$(printf %o "$(( 0666 - 0$(umask) ))")" "$IMAGE"
echo "root=LABEL=autopkgtestvm rw console=ttyS0" > "$WORKDIR/cmdline"
@ -445,12 +387,3 @@ start=$((FAT_OFFSET_SECTORS + FAT_SIZE_SECTORS)), type=0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3
dd if="$WORKDIR/fat" of="$IMAGE" conv=notrunc,sparse bs=512 "seek=$FAT_OFFSET_SECTORS" status=none
if test "$(dpkg --print-architecture)" != "$ARCHITECTURE" && test "$(dpkg-query -f '${db:Status-Status}' -W "qemu-system-$QEMUARCH")" != installed; then
echo "I: you might need to install a package providing qemu-system-$QEMUARCH to use this image with autopkgtest-virt-qemu" >&2
if test -n "$VMFPKG" && test "$(dpkg-query -f '${db:Status-Status}' -W "$VMFPKG")" != installed; then
echo "I: you might need to install $VMFPKG to use this image with autopkgtest-virt-qemu" >&2
echo "I: don't forget to pass --boot=efi when running autopkgtest-virt-qemu with this image" >&2

@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ cleanup() {
rm -f "$tmpdir/log"
[ -e "$tmpdir" ] && rmdir "$tmpdir"
if [ -n "${TAIL_PID:-}" ]; then
kill "$TAIL_PID"
if [ -e shared/output.txt ]; then
res="$(cat shared/exitstatus.txt)"
if [ "$res" != "0" ]; then
@ -27,7 +30,8 @@ if [ -e shared/output.txt ]; then
rm shared/output.txt
touch shared/output.txt
setpriv --pdeathsig TERM tail -f shared/output.txt &
tail -f shared/output.txt &
# to connect to serial use:
# minicom -D 'unix#/tmp/ttyS0'
@ -36,7 +40,6 @@ setpriv --pdeathsig TERM tail -f shared/output.txt &
# socat stdin,raw,echo=0,escape=0x11 unix-connect:/tmp/ttyS0
timeout --foreground 40m debvm-run --image="$(realpath "$cachedir")/debian-$DEFAULT_DIST.ext4" -- \
-nic none \
-m 4G -snapshot \
-monitor unix:/tmp/monitor,server,nowait \
-serial unix:/tmp/ttyS0,server,nowait \

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ echo "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH"
{{ CMD }} --variant={{ VARIANT }} --mode={{ MODE }} \
--essential-hook='[ {{ DIST }} = oldstable ] && [ {{ VARIANT }} = - ] && echo _apt:*:100:65534::/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin >> "$1"/etc/passwd || :' \
"$(if [ {{ DIST }} = oldstable ]; then echo --merged-usr; else echo --hook-dir=./hooks/merged-usr; fi)" \
"$(case {{ DIST }} in oldstable) echo --include=e2fsprogs,mount,tzdata,gcc-9-base;; stable) echo --include=e2fsprogs,mount,tzdata;; *) echo --include=base-files ;; esac )" \
{{ DIST }} /tmp/debian-{{ DIST }}-mm.tar {{ MIRROR }}
mkdir /tmp/debian-{{ DIST }}-mm
@ -177,30 +176,11 @@ fi
# since debootstrap 1.0.133 there is no tzdata in the buildd variant and thus
# debootstrap creates its own /etc/localtime
if [ "{{ VARIANT }}" = "buildd" ] && [ "{{ DIST }}" != "stable" ] && [ "{{ DIST }}" != "oldstable" ]; then
if [ "{{ VARIANT }}" = "buildd" ]; then
[ "$(readlink /tmp/debian-{{ DIST }}-debootstrap/etc/localtime)" = /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC ]
rm /tmp/debian-{{ DIST }}-debootstrap/etc/localtime
# starting with systemd 255 upstream dropped splitusr support and depending on
# the installation order, symlink targets are prefixed with /usr or not
# See #1060000 and #1054137
case {{ DIST }} in testing|unstable)
for f in; do
for d in mm debootstrap; do
[ -L "/tmp/debian-{{ DIST }}-$d/etc/systemd/system/$f" ] || continue
oldlink="$(readlink "/tmp/debian-{{ DIST }}-$d/etc/systemd/system/$f")"
case $oldlink in
/usr/*) : ;;
/*) oldlink="/usr$oldlink" ;;
*) echo unexpected >&2; exit 1 ;;
ln -sf "$oldlink" "/tmp/debian-{{ DIST }}-$d/etc/systemd/system/$f"
# check if the file content differs
diff --unified --no-dereference --recursive /tmp/debian-{{ DIST }}-debootstrap /tmp/debian-{{ DIST }}-mm >&2
@ -209,9 +189,8 @@ diff --unified --no-dereference --recursive /tmp/debian-{{ DIST }}-debootstrap /
find /tmp/debian-{{ DIST }}-debootstrap /tmp/debian-{{ DIST }}-mm -type d -print0 | xargs -0 touch --date="@{{ SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH }}"
# debootstrap never ran apt -- fixing permissions
for d in ./var/lib/apt/lists/partial ./var/cache/apt/archives/partial; do
unmergedPATH="$PATH$(if [ "{{ DIST }}" = oldstable ]; then echo :/bin:/sbin; fi)"
PATH="$unmergedPATH" chroot /tmp/debian-{{ DIST }}-debootstrap chmod 0700 $d
PATH="$unmergedPATH" chroot /tmp/debian-{{ DIST }}-debootstrap chown "$(id -u _apt):root" $d
chroot /tmp/debian-{{ DIST }}-debootstrap chmod 0700 $d
chroot /tmp/debian-{{ DIST }}-debootstrap chown "$(id -u _apt):root" $d
tar -C /tmp/debian-{{ DIST }}-debootstrap --numeric-owner --sort=name --clamp-mtime --mtime="$(date --utc --date=@{{ SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH }} --iso-8601=seconds)" -cf /tmp/root1.tar .
tar -C /tmp/debian-{{ DIST }}-mm --numeric-owner --sort=name --clamp-mtime --mtime="$(date --utc --date=@{{ SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH }} --iso-8601=seconds)" -cf /tmp/root2.tar .

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ trap "rm -f /tmp/chrootless.tar /tmp/root.tar" EXIT INT TERM
for INCLUDE in '' 'apt' 'apt,build-essential' 'systemd-sysv'; do
for MODE in root chrootless; do
{{ CMD }} --mode=$MODE --variant={{ VARIANT }} --hook-dir=./hooks/merged-usr \
${INCLUDE:+--include="$INCLUDE"} --skip=check/chrootless \
${INCLUDE:+--include="$INCLUDE"} \
{{ DIST }} "/tmp/$MODE.tar" {{ MIRROR }}
cmp /tmp/root.tar /tmp/chrootless.tar || diffoscope /tmp/root.tar /tmp/chrootless.tar

@ -18,26 +18,18 @@ if [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ] && [ "{{ MODE }}" != "root" ] && [ "{{ MODE }}" != "auto
prefix="runuser -u ${SUDO_USER:-user} --"
[ -x /usr/bin/mmtarfilter ] && MMTARFILTER=/usr/bin/mmtarfilter
[ -x ./tarfilter ] && MMTARFILTER=./tarfilter
# we need --hook-dir=./hooks/merged-usr because usrmerge does not understand
# permissions drwxr-sr-x and extended attributes of ./var/log/journal/ cannot
# be preserved under fakeroot
# this applies to 'z' lines in files in /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/
for INCLUDE in '' 'apt' 'apt,build-essential' 'systemd-sysv'; do
{{ CMD }} --variant={{ VARIANT }} --hook-dir=./hooks/merged-usr \
--customize-hook='if [ -d "$1"/var/log/journal ]; then rmdir "$1"/var/log/journal; mkdir --mode=2755 "$1"/var/log/journal; chroot "$1" chown root:systemd-journal /var/log/journal; fi' \
${INCLUDE:+--include="$INCLUDE"} \
{{ DIST }} - {{ MIRROR }} \
| "$MMTARFILTER" --path-exclude="/var/log/journal" --path-exclude="/etc/credstore*" \
{{ DIST }} /tmp/root.tar {{ MIRROR }}
$prefix fakeroot {{ CMD }} --mode={{ MODE }} --variant={{ VARIANT }} --hook-dir=./hooks/merged-usr \
${INCLUDE:+--include="$INCLUDE"} \
{{ DIST }} - {{ MIRROR }} \
| "$MMTARFILTER" --path-exclude="/var/log/journal" --path-exclude="/etc/credstore*" \
> /tmp/chrootless.tar
{{ DIST }} /tmp/chrootless.tar {{ MIRROR }}
cmp /tmp/root.tar /tmp/chrootless.tar || diffoscope /tmp/root.tar /tmp/chrootless.tar
rm /tmp/chrootless.tar /tmp/root.tar

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ for INCLUDE in '' 'apt' 'systemd-sysv'; do
arch-test "$arch" && exit 1
{{ CMD }} --mode=chrootless --architecture="$arch" --variant={{ VARIANT }} \
--hook-dir=./hooks/merged-usr ${INCLUDE:+--include="$INCLUDE"} \
--skip=check/chrootless {{ DIST }} "/tmp/chrootless.tar" {{ MIRROR }}
{{ DIST }} "/tmp/chrootless.tar" {{ MIRROR }}
# when creating a foreign architecture chroot, the tarballs are not
# bit-by-bit identical but contain a few remaining differences:

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
set -eu
export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
if [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ] && [ "{{ MODE }}" != "root" ] && [ "{{ MODE }}" != "auto" ]; then
if ! id "${SUDO_USER:-user}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
if [ ! -e /mmdebstrap-testenv ]; then
echo "this test modifies the system and should only be run inside a container" >&2
exit 1
useradd --home-dir "/home/${SUDO_USER:-user}" --create-home "${SUDO_USER:-user}"
prefix="runuser -u ${SUDO_USER:-user} --"
[ "{{ MODE }}" = "fakechroot" ] && prefix="$prefix fakechroot fakeroot"
$prefix {{ CMD }} --mode={{ MODE }} --variant=apt --architectures=arm64 {{ DIST }} /tmp/debian-chroot.tar {{ MIRROR }}
# we ignore differences between architectures by ignoring some files
# and renaming others
{ tar -tf /tmp/debian-chroot.tar \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/ld-linux-aarch64\.so\.1$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ld-linux-aarch64\.so\.1$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/perl/5\.[0-9]\+\.0/asm-generic/int-ll64\.ph$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/perl/5\.[0-9]\+\.0/asm-generic/types\.ph$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/perl/5\.[0-9]\+\.0/asm-generic/unistd\.ph$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/perl/5\.[0-9]\+\.0/asm/sigcontext\.ph$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/perl/5\.[0-9]\+\.0/asm/sve_context\.ph$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/perl/5\.[0-9]\+\.0/asm/types\.ph$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/perl/5\.[0-9]\+\.0/bits/procfs-extra\.ph$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/perl/5\.[0-9]\+\.0/bits/procfs-id\.ph$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/perl/5\.[0-9]\+\.0/bits/procfs-prregset\.ph$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/perl/5\.[0-9]\+\.0/bits/procfs\.ph$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/perl/5\.[0-9]\+\.0/gnu/stubs-lp64\.ph$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/perl/5\.[0-9]\+\.0/linux/types\.ph$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/perl/5\.[0-9]\+\.0/sys/procfs\.ph$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/perl/5\.[0-9]\+\.0/sys/user\.ph$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/share/doc/[^/]\+/changelog\(\.Debian\)\?\.arm64\.gz$' \
| sed 's/aarch64-linux-gnu/x86_64-linux-gnu/' \
| sed 's/arm64/amd64/';
} | sort > tar2.txt
{ < tar1.txt \
grep -v '^\./usr/bin/i386$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/bin/x86_64$' \
| grep -v '^\./lib32$' \
| grep -v '^\./lib64$' \
| grep -v '^\./libx32$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib32/$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/libx32/$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib64/$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64\.so\.2$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-linux-x86-64\.so\.2$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmvec\.so\.1$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5\.[0-9]\+\.0/asm/posix_types_32\.ph$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5\.[0-9]\+\.0/asm/posix_types_64\.ph$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5\.[0-9]\+\.0/asm/posix_types_x32\.ph$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5\.[0-9]\+\.0/asm/unistd_32\.ph$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5\.[0-9]\+\.0/asm/unistd_64\.ph$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5\.[0-9]\+\.0/asm/unistd_x32\.ph$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5\.[0-9]\+\.0/gnu/stubs-64\.ph$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/share/doc/[^/]\+/changelog\(\.Debian\)\?\.amd64\.gz$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/share/man/man8/i386\.8\.gz$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/share/man/man8/x86_64\.8\.gz$';
} | sort | diff -u - tar2.txt >&2
rm /tmp/debian-chroot.tar

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
set -eu
export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
if [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ] && [ "{{ MODE }}" != "root" ] && [ "{{ MODE }}" != "auto" ]; then
if ! id "${SUDO_USER:-user}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
if [ ! -e /mmdebstrap-testenv ]; then
echo "this test modifies the system and should only be run inside a container" >&2
exit 1
useradd --home-dir "/home/${SUDO_USER:-user}" --create-home "${SUDO_USER:-user}"
prefix="runuser -u ${SUDO_USER:-user} --"
case "$(dpkg --print-architecture)" in
echo "unsupported native architecture" >&2
exit 1
[ "{{ MODE }}" = "fakechroot" ] && prefix="$prefix fakechroot fakeroot"
$prefix {{ CMD }} --mode={{ MODE }} --variant=apt --architectures="$foreign_arch" \
{{ DIST }} /tmp/debian-chroot.tar {{ MIRROR }}
# we ignore differences between architectures by ignoring some files
# and renaming others
{ tar -tf /tmp/debian-chroot.tar \
| grep -v '^\./usr/bin/i386$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/bin/x86_64$' \
| grep -v '^\./lib64$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib64/$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64\.so\.2$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/ld-linux-aarch64\.so\.1$' \
| grep -v "^\\./usr/lib/$foreign_gnu/ld-linux-aarch64\\.so\\.1$" \
| grep -v "^\\./usr/lib/$foreign_gnu/ld-linux-x86-64\\.so\\.2$" \
| grep -v "^\\./usr/lib/$foreign_gnu/perl/5\\.[0-9][.0-9]\\+/.*\\.ph$" \
| grep -v "^\\./usr/lib/$foreign_gnu/libmvec\\.so\\.1$" \
| grep -v "^\\./usr/share/doc/[^/]\\+/changelog\\(\\.Debian\\)\\?\\.$foreign_arch\\.gz$" \
| grep -v '^\./usr/share/man/man8/i386\.8\.gz$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/share/man/man8/x86_64\.8\.gz$' \
| sed "s/$foreign_gnu/$native_gnu/" \
| sed "s/$foreign_arch/$native_arch/";
} | sort > /tmp/tar2.txt
{ < tar1.txt \
grep -v '^\./usr/bin/i386$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/bin/x86_64$' \
| grep -v '^\./lib32$' \
| grep -v '^\./lib64$' \
| grep -v '^\./libx32$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib32/$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/libx32/$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib64/$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64\.so\.2$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/lib/ld-linux-aarch64\.so\.1$' \
| grep -v "^\\./usr/lib/$native_gnu/ld-linux-x86-64\\.so\\.2$" \
| grep -v "^\\./usr/lib/$native_gnu/ld-linux-aarch64\\.so\\.1$" \
| grep -v "^\\./usr/lib/$native_gnu/libmvec\\.so\\.1$" \
| grep -v "^\\./usr/lib/$native_gnu/perl/5\\.[0-9][.0-9]\\+/.*\\.ph$" \
| grep -v "^\\./usr/share/doc/[^/]\\+/changelog\\(\\.Debian\\)\\?\\.$native_arch\\.gz$" \
| grep -v '^\./usr/share/man/man8/i386\.8\.gz$' \
| grep -v '^\./usr/share/man/man8/x86_64\.8\.gz$';
} | sort | diff -u - /tmp/tar2.txt >&2
rm /tmp/debian-chroot.tar /tmp/tar2.txt

@ -6,39 +6,20 @@
# - installs only few files
# - doesn't change its name regularly (like gcc-*-base)
case "$(dpkg --print-architecture)" in
echo "unsupported native architecture" >&2
exit 1
set -eu
export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
{{ CMD }} --mode=root --variant=apt \
--architectures="$native_arch,$foreign_arch" \
--include="libmagic-mgc:$foreign_arch" \
{{ DIST }} /tmp/debian-chroot {{ MIRROR }}
{ echo "$native_arch"; echo "$foreign_arch"; } | cmp /tmp/debian-chroot/var/lib/dpkg/arch -
{{ CMD }} --mode=root --variant=apt --architectures=amd64,arm64 --include=libmagic-mgc:arm64 {{ DIST }} /tmp/debian-chroot {{ MIRROR }}
{ echo "amd64"; echo "arm64"; } | cmp /tmp/debian-chroot/var/lib/dpkg/arch -
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/var/lib/apt/extended_states
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/var/lib/dpkg/info/libmagic-mgc.list
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/var/lib/dpkg/info/libmagic-mgc.md5sums
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/lib/file/magic.mgc
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/doc/libmagic-mgc/README.Debian
rm -f /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/doc/libmagic-mgc/"changelog.Debian.$foreign_arch.gz"
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/doc/libmagic-mgc/changelog.Debian.gz
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/doc/libmagic-mgc/changelog.gz
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/doc/libmagic-mgc/copyright
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/file/magic.mgc
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/misc/magic.mgc
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/var/lib/apt/extended_states
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/var/lib/dpkg/info/libmagic-mgc.list
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/var/lib/dpkg/info/libmagic-mgc.md5sums
rmdir /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/doc/libmagic-mgc/
rmdir /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/file/magic/
rmdir /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/file/

@ -1,45 +1,18 @@
# to test foreign architecture package installation we choose a package which
# - is not part of the native installation set
# - does not have any dependencies
# - installs only few files
# - doesn't change its name regularly (like gcc-*-base)
case "$(dpkg --print-architecture)" in
echo "unsupported native architecture" >&2
exit 1
set -eu
export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
{{ CMD }} --mode=root --variant=apt \
--architectures="$native_arch" \
--architectures="$foreign_arch" \
--include="libmagic-mgc:$foreign_arch" \
{{ DIST }} /tmp/debian-chroot {{ MIRROR }}
{ echo "$native_arch"; echo "$foreign_arch"; } | cmp /tmp/debian-chroot/var/lib/dpkg/arch -
{{ CMD }} --mode=root --variant=apt --architectures=amd64 --architectures=arm64 --include=libmagic-mgc:arm64 {{ DIST }} /tmp/debian-chroot {{ MIRROR }}
{ echo "amd64"; echo "arm64"; } | cmp /tmp/debian-chroot/var/lib/dpkg/arch -
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/var/lib/apt/extended_states
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/var/lib/dpkg/info/libmagic-mgc.list
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/var/lib/dpkg/info/libmagic-mgc.md5sums
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/lib/file/magic.mgc
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/doc/libmagic-mgc/README.Debian
rm -f /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/doc/libmagic-mgc/"changelog.Debian.$foreign_arch.gz"
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/doc/libmagic-mgc/changelog.Debian.gz
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/doc/libmagic-mgc/changelog.gz
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/doc/libmagic-mgc/copyright
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/file/magic.mgc
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/misc/magic.mgc
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/var/lib/apt/extended_states
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/var/lib/dpkg/info/libmagic-mgc.list
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/var/lib/dpkg/info/libmagic-mgc.md5sums
rmdir /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/doc/libmagic-mgc/
rmdir /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/file/magic/
rmdir /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/file/

@ -22,17 +22,12 @@ chroot /tmp/debian-chroot dpkg-query -f '${binary:Package}\n' -W \
rm /tmp/expected
for cmd in echo cat sed grep; do
test -L /tmp/debian-chroot/bin/$cmd
test "$(readlink /tmp/debian-chroot/bin/$cmd)" = "/usr/bin/busybox"
test "$(readlink /tmp/debian-chroot/bin/$cmd)" = "/bin/busybox"
for cmd in sort tee; do
test -L /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/bin/$cmd
test "$(readlink /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/bin/$cmd)" = "/usr/bin/busybox"
test "$(readlink /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/bin/$cmd)" = "/bin/busybox"
# if /bin or /sbin are not symlinks, add /bin and /sbin to PATH
if [ ! -L /tmp/debian-chroot/bin ] || [ ! -L /tmp/debian-chroot/sbin ]; then
export PATH="$PATH:/sbin:/bin"
chroot /tmp/debian-chroot echo foobar \
| chroot /tmp/debian-chroot cat \
| chroot /tmp/debian-chroot sort \

@ -17,27 +17,13 @@ if [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ] && [ "{{ MODE }}" != "root" ] && [ "{{ MODE }}" != "auto
prefix="runuser -u ${SUDO_USER:-user} --"
case "$(dpkg --print-architecture)" in
echo "unsupported native architecture" >&2
exit 1
$prefix {{ CMD }} --mode={{ MODE }} --variant={{ VARIANT }} --architectures="$foreign_arch" --include=libmagic-mgc {{ DIST }} /tmp/debian-chroot {{ MIRROR }}
$prefix {{ CMD }} --mode={{ MODE }} --variant={{ VARIANT }} --architectures=arm64 --include=libmagic-mgc {{ DIST }} /tmp/debian-chroot {{ MIRROR }}
# delete contents of libmagic-mgc
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/lib/file/magic.mgc
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/doc/libmagic-mgc/README.Debian
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/doc/libmagic-mgc/changelog.Debian.gz
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/doc/libmagic-mgc/changelog.gz
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/doc/libmagic-mgc/copyright
rm -f /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/doc/libmagic-mgc/"changelog.Debian.$foreign_arch.gz"
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/file/magic.mgc
rm /tmp/debian-chroot/usr/share/misc/magic.mgc
# delete real files

@ -2,7 +2,5 @@
set -eu
export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
trap "rm -f /tmp/debian-chroot.tar" EXIT INT TERM
{{ CMD }} --mode={{ MODE }} --variant=apt \
--customize-hook='rm "$1/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d"; rm "$1/usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon"' \
{{ DIST }} /tmp/debian-chroot.tar {{ MIRROR }}
{{ CMD }} --mode={{ MODE }} --variant=apt --customize-hook='rm "$1/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d"; rm "$1/sbin/start-stop-daemon"' {{ DIST }} /tmp/debian-chroot.tar {{ MIRROR }}
tar -tf /tmp/debian-chroot.tar | sort | diff -u tar1.txt -

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ set -eu
export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
#[ {{ MODE }} = "unshare" ]
[ {{ MODE }} = "unshare" ]
trap "rm -f /tmp/debian-chroot.tar" EXIT INT TERM
@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ fi
$prefix {{ CMD }} --mode={{ MODE }} --variant=custom \
--skip=update,setup,cleanup,tar-in/mknod \
--setup-hook='tar-in ./cache/mmdebstrap-{{ DIST }}-apt.tar /' \
--setup-hook='/sbin/auditctl -w "$1" -p wxa -k mykey' \
'' /tmp/debian-chroot.tar || /sbin/ausearch --format text -k mykey
'' /tmp/debian-chroot.tar
cmp ./cache/mmdebstrap-{{ DIST }}-apt.tar /tmp/debian-chroot.tar \
|| diffoscope ./cache/mmdebstrap-{{ DIST }}-apt.tar /tmp/debian-chroot.tar
