You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

262 lines
11 KiB

from util import xmlfiletodict, dicttoxmlfile
from collections import OrderedDict
import sys
import math
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print "usage:", sys.argv[0], "order.xml packlist.xml"
orderline = xmlfiletodict(sys.argv[1])
# important: assuming only one pallet in input!!
p = orderline['Message']['PalletInit']['Pallets']['Pallet']
pallet = {
'PalletNumber': int(p['PalletNumber']),
'Description': p['Description'],
'Dimensions': {
'MaxLoadHeight': int(p['Dimensions']['MaxLoadHeight']),
'MaxLoadWeight': int(p['Dimensions']['MaxLoadWeight']),
'Length': int(p['Dimensions']['Length']),
'Width': int(p['Dimensions']['Width']),
articles = list()
for o in orderline['Message']['Order']['OrderLines']['OrderLine']:
for barcode in o['Barcodes']['Barcode']:
{'ApproachPoint1': {'X': 0, 'Y': 0, 'Z': 0},
'ApproachPoint2': {'X': 0, 'Y': 0, 'Z': 0},
'ApproachPoint3': {'X': 0, 'Y': 0, 'Z': 0},
'Article': { 'Description': o['Article']['Description'],
'ID': int(o['Article']['ID']),
'Type': int(o['Article']['Type']), # currently only Type=1 is allowed
'Family': int(o['Article']['Family']),
'Length': int(o['Article']['Length']), # should be larger than width
'Width': int(o['Article']['Width']),
'Height': int(o['Article']['Height']),
'Weight': int(o['Article']['Weight']) # in grams
'Barcode': barcode,
'Orientation': 1, # 1: 0 deg the long side parallel to X direction
# 2: 90 deg the long side parallel to Y direction
'PackSequence': 0,
'PlacePosition': {'X': 0, 'Y': 0, 'Z': 0}
bins = OrderedDict()
# sort into bins of equal height, have bins ordered by height of contents
for article in sorted(articles, key=lambda article: article['Article']['Height'], reverse = True):
abin = bins.get(article['Article']['Height'])
if abin:
bins[article['Article']['Height']] = [article]
def arrange_in_layer(abin, plength, pwidth):
# articles are longer than wider
# default rotation: length: x-direction
# width: y-direction
layer = list()
rest = list()
root = {'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'length': plength, 'width': pwidth, 'used': False, 'up': None, 'right': None}
def find_node(root, length, width):
if root['used']:
return find_node(root['right'], length, width) or find_node(root['up'], length, width)
elif length <= root['length'] and width <= root['width']:
return root
return None
def split_node(node, length, width):
node['used'] = True
node['up'] = {'x': node['x'], 'y': node['y']+width, 'length': node['length'], 'width': node['width']-width, 'used': None, 'up': None, 'right': None}
node['right'] = {'x': node['x']+length, 'y': node['y'], 'length': node['length']-length, 'width': width, 'used': None, 'up': None, 'right': None}
return node
for article in abin:
# output format only accepts integer positions, round package sizes up to even numbers
length, width = (article['Article']['Length'], article['Article']['Width'])
if length%2 != 0:
length += 1
if width%2 != 0:
width +=1
node = find_node(root, length, width)
if (node):
node = split_node(node, length, width)
article['PlacePosition']['X'] = node['x']+length/2
article['PlacePosition']['Y'] = node['y']+width/2
# TODO: try again with article rotated
# print "didnt fit"
return layer, rest
layers = list()
rests = list()
for abin in bins:
# TODO: if there is a rest, maybe taking a few items away from former layers can fill up the rest
# TODO: sort by something different and see what gives better result
# TODO: try to rotate result 180 degrees
# TODO: try to build with pallet rotated 90 or 270 degrees
# TODO: try to rotate boxes by 90 degrees beforehand
# TODO: check if articles from to-be-processed bins fits inbetween current layer articles
# TODO: divide pallet horizontally, vertically and both and fill parts equally and connect afterwards
bins[abin] = sorted(bins[abin], key=lambda article: article['Article']['Length']*article['Article']['Width'], reverse=True)
plength, pwidth = (pallet['Dimensions']['Length'], pallet['Dimensions']['Width'])
layer, rest = arrange_in_layer(bins[abin], plength, pwidth)
while layer:
occupied_area = 0
for article in layer:
length, width = article['Article']['Length'], article['Article']['Width']
occupied_area += length*width
# print "layer occupation:", occupied_area/float(plength*pwidth)
if occupied_area/float(plength*pwidth) <= 0.7:
layer, rest = arrange_in_layer(rest, plength, pwidth)
if rest:
# sort rests by their occupied area and stack them by it
# TODO: continuously try to cram all the to-be-stacked rest into a single layer
# TODO: divide pallet horizontally and/or vertically and make two or four separate stacks
for rest in sorted(rests, key=lambda rest: sum([article['Article']['Length']*article['Article']['Width'] for article in rest]), reverse=True):
plength, pwidth = (pallet['Dimensions']['Length'], pallet['Dimensions']['Width'])
layer, rest = arrange_in_layer(rest, plength, pwidth)
com_x = 0
com_y = 0
for article in layer:
com_x += article['PlacePosition']['X']
com_y += article['PlacePosition']['Y']
com_x, com_y = com_x/len(layer), com_y/len(layer)
diff_x, diff_y = plength*0.5-com_x, pwidth*0.5-com_y
for article in layer:
article['PlacePosition']['X'] += diff_x
article['PlacePosition']['Y'] += diff_y
pack_sequence = 1
pack_height = 0
articles_to_pack = list()
# TODO sort them by covered area or not?
# TODO sort them by weight?
for layer in sorted(layers, key=lambda layer: sum([article['Article']['Length']*article['Article']['Width'] for article in layer]), reverse=True):
# TODO: spread layers across available space
pack_height += layer[0]['Article']['Height']
for article in layer:
article['PackSequence'] = pack_sequence
article['PlacePosition']['Z'] = pack_height
pack_sequence += 1
#print "barcode:", article['Barcode']
# TODO: are multiple pallets allowed?
packlist = {'Response':
{'OrderID': '1',
{'Description': pallet['Description'],
'Dimensions': {'Length': pallet['Dimensions']['Length'],
'MaxLoadHeight': pallet['Dimensions']['MaxLoadHeight'],
'MaxLoadWeight': pallet['Dimensions']['MaxLoadWeight'],
'Width': pallet['Dimensions']['Width']},
'Packages': {'Package': articles_to_pack},
'PalletNumber': pallet['PalletNumber']
# following the code for multiple pallets
# pack_sequence = 1
# pack_height = 0
# pack_weight = 0
# pallets = [
# {'Description': pallet['Description'],
# 'Dimensions': {'Length': pallet['Dimensions']['Length'],
# 'MaxLoadHeight': pallet['Dimensions']['MaxLoadHeight'],
# 'MaxLoadWeight': pallet['Dimensions']['MaxLoadWeight'],
# 'Width': pallet['Dimensions']['Width']},
# 'Packages': {'Package': []},
# 'PalletNumber': pallet['PalletNumber']
# }
# ]
# # TODO sort them by covered area or not?
# for layer in sorted(layers, key=lambda layer: sum([article['Article']['Length']*article['Article']['Width'] for article in layer]), reverse=True):
# # TODO: spread layers across available space
# pack_height += layer[0]['Article']['Height']
# if pack_height > pallet['Dimensions']['MaxLoadHeight']:
# pallets.append(
# {'Description': pallet['Description'],
# 'Dimensions': {'Length': pallet['Dimensions']['Length'],
# 'MaxLoadHeight': pallet['Dimensions']['MaxLoadHeight'],
# 'MaxLoadWeight': pallet['Dimensions']['MaxLoadWeight'],
# 'Width': pallet['Dimensions']['Width']},
# 'Packages': {'Package': []},
# 'PalletNumber': pallet['PalletNumber']
# }
# )
# pack_height = layer[0]['Article']['Height']
# pack_weight = 0
# for article in layer:
# pack_weight += article['Article']['Weight']
# if pack_weight > pallet['Dimensions']['MaxLoadWeight']:
# pallets.append(
# {'Description': pallet['Description'],
# 'Dimensions': {'Length': pallet['Dimensions']['Length'],
# 'MaxLoadHeight': pallet['Dimensions']['MaxLoadHeight'],
# 'MaxLoadWeight': pallet['Dimensions']['MaxLoadWeight'],
# 'Width': pallet['Dimensions']['Width']},
# 'Packages': {'Package': []},
# 'PalletNumber': pallet['PalletNumber']
# }
# )
# pack_height = layer[0]['Article']['Height']
# pack_weight = article['Article']['Weight']
# article['PackSequence'] = pack_sequence
# article['PlacePosition']['Z'] = pack_height
# pallets[len(pallets)-1]['Packages']['Package'].append(article)
# pack_sequence += 1
# #print "barcode:", article['Barcode']
# # TODO: are multiple pallets allowed?
# packlist = {'Response':
# {'PackList':
# {'OrderID': '1',
# 'PackPallets':
# {'PackPallet': pallets
# }
# }
# }
# }
dicttoxmlfile(packlist, sys.argv[2])