You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

107 lines
3.7 KiB

import sys
import subprocess
import itertools
from util import dicttoxmlfile, get_packlist_dict, dicttoxmlstring
from arrange_spread2 import arrange_in_layer
import cPickle
from binascii import a2b_base64
import tempfile
import os
import zlib
import fcntl
import ctypes
libpallet = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('./')
libpallet.evaluate.restype = ctypes.c_double
def evaluate_layers_rests(layers, rests, scores, pallet, result_max):
rest_layers = list()
# sort rests by space they cover and move them to the center of the pile
# append them to the layer list
for rest in sorted(rests, key=lambda rest: sum([article['Article']['Length']*article['Article']['Width'] for article in rest]), reverse=True):
plength, pwidth = (pallet['Dimensions']['Length'], pallet['Dimensions']['Width'])
root, layer, rest = arrange_in_layer(rest, plength, pwidth)
com_x = 0
com_y = 0
for article in layer:
com_x += article['PlacePosition']['X']
com_y += article['PlacePosition']['Y']
com_x, com_y = com_x/len(layer), com_y/len(layer)
diff_x, diff_y = plength*0.5-com_x, pwidth*0.5-com_y
#TODO: for long/wide layers the center of mass might delta might
# create an overhang over one side of the pallet
for article in layer:
article['PlacePosition']['X'] += diff_x
article['PlacePosition']['Y'] += diff_y
for permut_layers in itertools.permutations(layers):
pack_sequence = 1
pack_height = 0
articles_to_pack = list()
for layer in list(permut_layers)+rest_layers:
pack_height += layer[0]['Article']['Height']
#if pack_height > pallet['Dimensions']['MaxLoadHeight']:
# break
for article in layer:
article['PackSequence'] = pack_sequence
article['PlacePosition']['Z'] = pack_height
pack_sequence += 1
packlist = get_packlist_dict(pallet, articles_to_pack)
_, tmp = tempfile.mkstemp()
dicttoxmlfile(packlist, tmp)
# ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly hack - dont copy this...
#score = float(subprocess.check_output(sys.argv[3]+" -o "
# +sys.argv[1]+" -p "+tmp
# +" -s "+sys.argv[4]+" --headless | grep Score", shell=True).split(' ')[1].strip())
score = libpallet.evaluate(sys.argv[1], tmp, sys.argv[3])
if score >= max(scores+[0]):
result_max[0] = dicttoxmlstring(packlist)
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 5:
print "usage:", sys.argv[0], "order.xml packlist.xml scoring.xml LAYER [LAYER..]"
scores = list()
result_max = [None]
for arg in sys.argv[4:]:
layers, rests, pallet = cPickle.loads(zlib.decompress(a2b_base64(arg)))
evaluate_layers_rests(layers, rests, scores, pallet, result_max)
print max(scores)
#print "max:", max(scores)
#print "min:", min(scores)
#mean = sum(scores)/len(scores)
#print "mean:", mean
#from math import sqrt
#print "stddev:", sqrt(sum([(x-mean)**2 for x in scores])/len(scores))
lock = open("score_max.lock", "w")
fcntl.lockf(lock, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
if os.path.isfile("score_max"):
with open("score_max", "r") as f:
score_max = float(
score_max = 0.0
if max(scores) > score_max:
with open(sys.argv[2], "w+") as f:
with open("score_max", "w+") as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":