You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

35 lines
871 B

build: frontend backend
echo "building"
backend: database
# TODO: copy apache configuration
# TODO: database setup - use dialog to answer the questions
# which database ? (suggested: mysql)
# root pasword ? (for setup)
# yolanda username ? (suggested: yolanda)
# yolanda password ? (will generate random username if none is chosen)
dialog --yesno "database stuff" 10 40
frontend: svg2png
# TODO: figure out what should go in here
install: build
-mkdir "${INSTDIR}/share/${PROGNAME}"
-mkdir "${INSTDIR}/share/${PROGNAME}/www"
# only stuff that is necessary should be copied - how to determine what is necessary ?
cp * ${INSTDIR}/share/${PROGNAME}/www -R
rm -rf "${INSTDIR}/share/yolanda"
# TODO: kill off database
# TODO: figure out how imagemagick works and convert every
single SVG