  • Joined on 2023-06-26
leoleozhu pushed tag 0.5.1-20231130 to leoleozhu/img2pdf 2023-11-30 05:21:53 +00:00
leoleozhu pushed to main at leoleozhu/img2pdf 2023-11-30 05:18:13 +00:00
98493e6a9a use resolution (DPI) from EXIF first, if not found or invalid, then use info from Pillow image
819b366bf5 release version 0.5.1
cc8c708295 HACKING: how to bisect
fb9537d8b7 src/img2pdf.py: allow PNG input without dpi units but non-square dpi aspect ratio
7678435eb7 validate icc profile and no default location on windows
Compare 7 commits »
leoleozhu commented on issue josch/img2pdf#183 2023-11-28 09:19:17 +00:00
Image DPI with resolution value both in EXIF (IFD0) and JFIF

Thank you for your reply.

I understand your concern regarding the prioritization of EXIF data over JFIF data in img2pdf. You brought up a valid point about potential scenarios where EXIF data…

leoleozhu opened issue josch/img2pdf#183 2023-11-28 05:38:34 +00:00
Image DPI with both resolution value in EXIF (IFD0) and JFIF
leoleozhu commented on issue josch/img2pdf#175 2023-10-18 06:22:15 +00:00
Converted PDF cannot open in Acrobat
leoleozhu commented on issue josch/img2pdf#175 2023-10-18 06:19:50 +00:00
Converted PDF cannot open in Acrobat

History Software Agent : Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop 23.0 (Windows) Software : Adobe Photoshop 23.0 (Windows)

leoleozhu created pull request josch/img2pdf#176 2023-10-18 06:14:47 +00:00
Remove non-GRAY ICC profiles from grayscale JPG files
leoleozhu commented on issue josch/img2pdf#175 2023-10-18 06:03:46 +00:00
Converted PDF cannot open in Acrobat

Found another case. Images were created with PhotoShop.

leoleozhu pushed to main at leoleozhu/img2pdf 2023-10-18 05:34:45 +00:00
5cd0918d50 Issue #175 related. The original was SmartAlbums, but another case with 'Adobe PS', so delete the exif_software check part
leoleozhu pushed to main at leoleozhu/img2pdf 2023-10-18 04:52:19 +00:00
7d2b922eff Issue #175 related. The original was SmartAlbums, but another case with 'Adobe PS', so delete the exif_software check part
leoleozhu created repository leoleozhu/img2pdf 2023-10-18 02:33:47 +00:00
leoleozhu commented on issue josch/img2pdf#175 2023-10-17 02:24:43 +00:00
Converted PDF cannot open in Acrobat

Thank you for your confirmation. Leo leozhu8964@gmail.com is fine. Thanks.

leoleozhu commented on issue josch/img2pdf#175 2023-10-16 07:30:19 +00:00
Converted PDF cannot open in Acrobat

Hi Josch,

I tried the head version and since this issue is a little different to #164, it's not fixed.

The following patch could fix it.

  • SmartAlbums old version (found 2.2.6)…

leoleozhu commented on issue josch/img2pdf#175 2023-10-13 07:28:55 +00:00
Converted PDF cannot open in Acrobat

A grayscale image with an RGB color profile seems to be the problem, which appears to be similar to issue #164. This particular image was generated using an older version( 2.2.6) of “SmartAlbums…

leoleozhu opened issue josch/img2pdf#175 2023-10-12 10:37:24 +00:00
Converted PDF cannot open in Acrobat
leoleozhu closed issue josch/img2pdf#170 2023-06-27 06:57:30 +00:00
16bit depth png, got error: Refusing to work with multiple >8bit channels.
leoleozhu commented on issue josch/img2pdf#170 2023-06-27 06:57:29 +00:00
16bit depth png, got error: Refusing to work with multiple >8bit channels.

Thank you and the warning patch looks good. I will check the depth of the image first, if it's not 8 bit, use imagemagick to convert it first. Then use img2pdf to convert it to PDF.

leoleozhu opened issue josch/img2pdf#170 2023-06-26 02:16:16 +00:00
16bit depth png, got error: Refusing to work with multiple >8bit channels.