
81 lines
3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = "Soeren Apel (, Frank Gau (, Thomas Gstaedner (thomas (a) gstaedtner (.) net)"
__version__ = "prototype"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2008"
__license__ = "GPL3"
from epydial import *
class GsmStatusScreen(EdjeGroup):
def __init__(self, screen_manager):
EdjeGroup.__init__(self, screen_manager, GSM_STATUS_SCREEN_NAME)
def register_pyneo_callbacks(self):
PyneoController.register_callback("power_status_gsm", self.on_power_status_gsm)
PyneoController.register_callback("device_status", self.on_device_status)
PyneoController.register_callback("gsm_details", self.on_gsm_details)
PyneoController.register_callback("scan_operator", self.on_scan_operator)
PyneoController.register_callback("brightness_change", self.on_brightness_change)
def on_scan_operator(self, status):
operator = 'scan operator:<br>'
for n, v in status.items():
operator += v['oper'] + '<br>'
print 'provider', n, ':', v['oper']
self.part_text_set("scan_operator_caption", operator)
def on_brightness_change(self, status):
self.part_text_set("description_brightness", "brightness %s"%status+"%")
def on_device_status(self, status):
self.part_text_set("device_caption", \
"imei: %s<br>model: %s<br>revision: %s<br>manufacturer: %s" \
%(status['imei'], status['model'], status['revision'], status['manufacturer']))
def on_gsm_details(self, status):
global oper, lac, ci, rssi, mcc, cc, country
if status.has_key('oper'):
oper = status['oper']
if status.has_key('lac'):
lac = status['lac']
if status.has_key('ci'):
ci = status['ci']
if status.has_key('rssi'):
rssi = status['rssi']
if status.has_key('mcc'):
mcc = status['mcc']
connection = connect(DB_FILE_PATH)
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM mcc WHERE mcc='" + str(mcc) + "'")
for row in cursor:
country = row[0]
cc = row[1]
self.part_text_set("gsm_details_caption", \
"operator: %s<br>lac/ci: %s/%s<br>rssi: %s<br>mcc/cc/country: %s/%s/%s" \
%(oper, lac, ci, rssi, mcc, cc, country))
def on_power_status_gsm(self, status):
if status: p_status = "on"
else: p_status = "off"
print '--- gsm device is ', p_status
self.part_text_set("button_11_caption", p_status)
self.part_text_set("pwr_caption", "gsm device is %s"%p_status)
@edje.decorators.signal_callback("mouse,up,1", "*")
def on_edje_signal_dialer_status_triggered(self, emission, source):
status = self.part_text_get("button_11_caption")
if source == "headline":
if source == "button_12":
elif source == "on" and status == "on":
elif source == "on" and status == "off":
# elif source == "button_right_bg_brightness":
# PyneoController.brightness_change(source)
# elif source == "button_left_bg_brightness":
# PyneoController.brightness_change(source)