95 Commits (4cd74d1fea1b3178a6e544db257abf97525b933c)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Abraxa 4cd74d1fea Rename global variable FS to FULLSCREEN in order to make it self-descriptive
Make EvasCanvas.__init__() honor the fullscreen parameter instead of using the global variable directly

git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@95 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
fgau 6be4f6a3a5 #!/usr/bin/env python2.5
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = ""
__version__ = "prototype"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2008"
__license__ = "GPL3"

WIDTH = 480
HEIGHT = 640
FS = True
TITLE = "epydial"
WM_INFO = ("epydial", "epydial")

import os
import sys
import ecore
import ecore.evas
import evas.decorators
import edje.decorators
import edje
from dbus import SystemBus
from e_dbus import DBusEcoreMainLoop
import e_dbus
from datetime import datetime
from os import system # alsactl is used with a sytem call
from pyneo.dbus_support import *
from pyneo.sys_support import pr_set_name

from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
from os.path import exists
import time
from time import sleep

#import sqlite3

for i in "data/themes/dialer.edj".split():
	if os.path.exists( i ):
		global edjepath
		edjepath = i
	raise "Edje not found"
class edje_group(edje.Edje):
	def __init__(self, main, group):
		self.main = main
		global edjepath
		f = edjepath
			edje.Edje.__init__(self, self.main.evas_canvas.evas_obj.evas, file=f, group=group)
		except edje.EdjeLoadError, e:
			raise SystemExit("error loading %s: %s" % (f, e))
		self.size = self.main.evas_canvas.evas_obj.evas.size
class dialer_main(edje_group):
	def __init__(self, main):
		edje_group.__init__(self, main, "pyneo/dialer/main")
		self.text = []

		dbus_ml = e_dbus.DBusEcoreMainLoop()
		self.system_bus = SystemBus(mainloop=dbus_ml)
		ecore.timer_add(5, self.init_dbus)

	def init_dbus(self):
			self.gsm = object_by_url('dbus:///org/pyneo/GsmDevice')
			self.wireless = object_by_url('dbus:///org/pyneo/gsmdevice/Network')
			self.keyring = object_by_url('dbus:///org/pyneo/GsmDevice')
		except Exception, e:
			print e
			#if not self.dbus_timer:
			#	self.dbus_timer = ecore.timer_add(2, self.init_dbus)
			# We had an error, keep the timer running
			#return True

		# No error, all went well
		#if self.dbus_timer: self.dbus_timer.stop()
		# D-Bus is ready, let's init GSM

	def gsm_on(self):
			if self.gsm.GetPower('sample', dbus_interface=DIN_POWERED, ):
				print '---', 'gsm device is already on'
				self.gsm.SetPower('sample', True, dbus_interface=DIN_POWERED, )
				print '---', 'switching device on'
		except Exception, e:
			print e
			#if not self.gsm_timer:
			#	self.gsm_timer = ecore.timer_add(5, self.gsm_on)
			# We had an error, keep the timer running
			#return True
		# No error
		#if self.gsm_timer: self.gsm_timer.stop()
		# GSM ready, let's ask SIM PIN

	def sim_pin(self):
		self.res = dedbusmap(self.keyring.GetOpened(dbus_interface=DIN_KEYRING))
		if self.res['code'] != 'READY': # TODO unify!
			print '---', 'opening keyring'
			self.part_text_set("numberdisplay_text", "Enter " + self.res['code'])
			self.res = dedbusmap(self.keyring.GetOpened(dbus_interface=DIN_KEYRING))
			print '---', 'already authorized'
	def nw_register(self):
		self.nw_res = dedbusmap(self.wireless.GetStatus(dbus_interface=DIN_WIRELESS))
		if not self.nw_res['stat'] in (1, 5, ): # TODO unify!
			print '---', 'registering to gsm network'
			self.nw_res = dedbusmap(self.wireless.GetStatus(dbus_interface=DIN_WIRELESS))
			self.part_text_set("numberdisplay_text", "please dial")
			print '---', 'already registered'

	@edje.decorators.signal_callback("dialer_send", "*")
	def on_edje_signal_numberkey_triggered(self, emission, source):
		if self.res['code'] != 'READY':
			if source in ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "#", "*", ):
				print ''.join(self.text)
				self.part_text_set("numberdisplay_text", "".join(self.text))
			elif source == "backspace":
				self.text = self.text[:-1]
				print ''.join(self.text)
				self.part_text_set("numberdisplay_text", "".join(self.text))
			elif source == "dial":
				print '---', 'send pin'
				self.keyring.Open(''.join(self.text), dbus_interface=DIN_KEYRING, )
				self.part_text_set("numberdisplay_text", "register ...")
			if source in ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "#", "*", ):
				print ''.join(self.text)
				self.part_text_set("numberdisplay_text", "".join(self.text))
			elif source == "backspace":
				self.text = self.text[:-1]
				print ''.join(self.text)
				self.part_text_set("numberdisplay_text", "".join(self.text))
			elif source == "dial":
				print '---', 'dial number'
				self.part_text_set("numberdisplay_text", "calling ...")
				system('alsactl -f /usr/share/openmoko/scenarios/gsmhandset.state restore')
				name = self.wireless.Initiate(''.join(self.text), dbus_interface=DIN_VOICE_CALL_INITIATOR, timeout=200, )
				call = object_by_url(name)

class TestView(object):
	def __init__(self):
		edje.frametime_set(1.0 / 20)
		self.evas_canvas = EvasCanvas(fullscreen=FS, engine="x11-16", size="480x640")
		self.groups = {}
		self.groups["pyneo/dialer/main"] = dialer_main(self)
        	self.evas_canvas.evas_obj.data["pyneo/dialer/main"] = self.groups["pyneo/dialer/main"]
		self.groups["pyneo/dialer/main"].part_text_set("numberdisplay_text", "wait ...")

class EvasCanvas(object):
	def __init__(self, fullscreen, engine, size):
		if engine == "x11":
			f = ecore.evas.SoftwareX11
#		elif engine == "x11-16":
#			if ecore.evas.engine_type_supported_get("software_x11_16"):
#				f = ecore.evas.SoftwareX11_16
			print "warning: x11-16 is not supported, fallback to x11"
			f = ecore.evas.SoftwareX11

		self.evas_obj = f(w=480, h=640)
		self.evas_obj.callback_delete_request = self.on_delete_request
		self.evas_obj.callback_resize = self.on_resize

		self.evas_obj.title = TITLE
		self.evas_obj.name_class = WM_INFO
		self.evas_obj.fullscreen = FS
#		self.evas_obj.size = size

	def on_resize(self, evas_obj):
		x, y, w, h = evas_obj.evas.viewport
		size = (w, h)
		for key in evas_obj.data.keys():
			evas_obj.data[key].size = size

	def on_delete_request(self, evas_obj):

if __name__ == "__main__":

export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L/opt/e17/lib"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/opt/e17/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
export PATH="$PATH:/opt/e17/bin"
export PYTHONPATH="/home/fgau/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages"

edje_cc -v -id ../images -fd ../fonts *edc

git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@94 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
fgau 14791e602a initialisation
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@93 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
kriss d515d0a41c FEATURE: Added manual theme loading (commented out)
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@92 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
kriss b0d2be73a9 FEATURE: Added platform detection and got for Backlight and Bluetooth working on GTA02
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@91 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
kriss 25e1cb447f MINOR: Added debug messages
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@90 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
kriss ab9af88105 BUGFIX: actually initialize superclass of BatteryPannel, fix error handling
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@89 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
kriss b99303cdd9 FEATURE: Include Battery Monitor from HdR - Thanks (not usable yet, still bug hunting on my part)
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@88 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
kriss 1f8d903c31 FEATURE: Not using shell script for wifi configuration anymore... - ToDo allow for encryption
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@87 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
kriss 934f76224a BUGFIX: Fixing issue causing SettingsGUI not to startup on GTA02 - see Ticket http://neo1973-germany.de/ticket/4 - Thanks to Birdack for reporting and submitting the patch!
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@86 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
kriss 49839b2e81 BUGFIX: Allow for stratup without root access (to WiFi interface)
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@85 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
kriss 02a0875646 FEATURE: First implementation of a WiFi panel. Done by John Beaven as part of the mofi project: http://projects.openmoko.org/projects/mofi/ - Thanks!
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@84 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
fgau 1a7fad14af have fun ;)
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@83 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
fgau eadc7e789e svn test and add pyaccel directory
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@82 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
kriss 6a78924855 Release 0.2 - grid of lines
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@81 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
kriss d1cd97cf39 FEATURE: Added marker lines to ease meter-reading
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@80 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
kriss 6f321a441c FIX: Changed size to get smaller screenshots ;-)
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@79 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
kriss 72a0eaf057 0.1 - grid of dots
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@78 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
kriss de3ea32632 0.1 - grid of dots
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@77 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
kriss 93267b7c0f FIX: Seperated from prior codebase
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@76 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
kriss 29339fc3f4 Initial import
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@75 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
kriss c78e13b4da FEATURE: Compress Data
CLEANUP: Separating out much of the concern of the large pyPenNotes.py file into SaveRestore.py and UserDrawingArea.py

patch from haakeyar Thanks a lot!

--- Full Ticket Message ---

UserDrawingArea.py is a widget that the user can draw on and you can receive tha strokes that the user has drawn.

SaveRestore contains classes for saving and loading the data. It is split into two closes. A base class takes care of things in common for all file formats, while a subclass implements the actual file format. This way, we could easily implement other file formats, for example a text format where only parts of the file are loaded, to improve loading speed, or ability to save to an sqlite file.

In the base class, I have implemented a simple compression of the notes. Points closer than QUALITY_LOSS (currently set at 5) pixels are merged. This compressed a test note file with 77% and you can barely see the difference. I have attached the original file, the compressed file and a a file with two notes file, the compressed first and the original last (open this file in the original pyPenNotes and switch between the notes to see the difference).
There are also other ways to compress the notes even more (no need for more than two points in a straight line), but I have not implemented that (yet).

Maybe it would be better to move the compression to UserDrawingArea - it would have both good and bad sides.

pyPenNotes.py still has too much responsibility in my opinion - it both displays the window and coordinates SaveRestore and UserDrawingArea, but I haven't done anything about that (yet).

If you want to discuss any of the changes, feel free to contact me on IRC or mail me at my nick at gmail dot com if you want to discuss the changes. 

git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@74 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
kriss a4d3e62796 FEATURE: Compress Data
CLEANUP: Separating out much of the concern of the large pyPenNotes.py file into SaveRestore.py and UserDrawingArea.py

patch from haakeyar Thanks a lot!

--- Full Ticket Message ---

UserDrawingArea.py is a widget that the user can draw on and you can receive tha strokes that the user has drawn.

SaveRestore contains classes for saving and loading the data. It is split into two closes. A base class takes care of things in common for all file formats, while a subclass implements the actual file format. This way, we could easily implement other file formats, for example a text format where only parts of the file are loaded, to improve loading speed, or ability to save to an sqlite file.

In the base class, I have implemented a simple compression of the notes. Points closer than QUALITY_LOSS (currently set at 5) pixels are merged. This compressed a test note file with 77% and you can barely see the difference. I have attached the original file, the compressed file and a a file with two notes file, the compressed first and the original last (open this file in the original pyPenNotes and switch between the notes to see the difference).
There are also other ways to compress the notes even more (no need for more than two points in a straight line), but I have not implemented that (yet).

Maybe it would be better to move the compression to UserDrawingArea - it would have both good and bad sides.

pyPenNotes.py still has too much responsibility in my opinion - it both displays the window and coordinates SaveRestore and UserDrawingArea, but I haven't done anything about that (yet).

If you want to discuss any of the changes, feel free to contact me on IRC or mail me at my nick at gmail dot com if you want to discuss the changes. 

git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@73 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
kriss b5d1f2c08c BUGFIX: use configured command when calling hciconfig - Thanks haakeyar!
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@72 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
emdete b599c882ce adjusted pathes
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@71 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
kriss f4b55d18c7 CLEANUP: quite some code cleanups by haakeyar - thanks!
FEATURE: remove rulers when the second tollbar is not visible

git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@70 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
kriss bfec9a3ce3 CLEANUP: gettings comments in sync again
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@69 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
kriss 8b8d6545aa FIX: get space for one more bluetooth peer before scrollbar desaster happens ;-)
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@68 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
kriss 3c172d34e0 MANAGE: Adding directory to archiv patches.
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@67 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
kriss dbf974b473 Author: haakeyar
If you run pyPenNotes without a .penNotes.strokes_data-file, the pyPenNotes.pen_notes[] list is emptied in pyPenNotes.load(). This gives various unexpected behaviour, including not being able to save the notes you created.

git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@66 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
16 years ago
PatrickBeck 512b36e1ac delete unitc.png
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@65 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
17 years ago
PatrickBeck e7c4954285 preview shot from unitc in action
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@64 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
17 years ago
kriss 254d60bbfc DOC: added scaled screenshot (240x320)
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@63 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
17 years ago
kriss 1638c15ed3 Tagging the 0.8 release - <<the blue release>>
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@62 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
17 years ago
kriss fb1ca209ef DOC: Screenshots Version 0.8
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@61 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
17 years ago
kriss 5d293b46f5 BUGFIX: Optimize strings and borders to fit layout on Neo1973
BUGFIX: Do not set default route yet
FEATURE: Add Label with visible Name
FEATURE: Generate IP Address from configured mask + last byte of BT Address
FEATURE: Set pand state from actual deamon state
OPTIMIZATION: Only wait until hci- and ifconfig are finished instead of fixed time
CLEANUP: Remove unused functions

git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@60 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
17 years ago
kriss 12551ae94f COMMENT: How to make process_running() to include process parameters.
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@59 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
17 years ago
kriss a079e81ea5 CLEANUP: Using new function in Processinterface.py to find out if pppd is running.
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@58 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
17 years ago
kriss e9387fc973 FEATURE: Added function process_running() to look up if a process is running (by name).
TEST: Added test function for process_running().

git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@57 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
17 years ago
kriss 23d326155b TEST: renamed copy/test script
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@56 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
17 years ago
kriss 8ad2797b73 CONFIG: Setting Bluetooth scan interval to 10 seconds.
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@55 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
17 years ago
kriss ca22e6af6a CLEANUP: Hi Patrick, nice project! You can use show_all there, keep going, it's great. :-)
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@54 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
17 years ago
PatrickBeck 94b026a797 README added
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@53 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
17 years ago
PatrickBeck e16b6d9664 README added
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@52 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
17 years ago
PatrickBeck 77d52d2a03 delete useless files
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@51 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
17 years ago
PatrickBeck 32e682b821 delete useless files
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@50 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
17 years ago
PatrickBeck fc9f5973af delete useless files
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@49 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
17 years ago
kriss 21ac388cb2 FEATURE: Make scan interval configurable in GlobalConfiguration.py
CLEANUP: Comment GlobalConfiguration.py sections

git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@48 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
17 years ago
kriss 2406fb85e0 CLEANUP: remove debug messages
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@47 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
17 years ago
kriss c539f22371 FEATURE: Adding asynchronous scan for Bluetooth Peers.
git-svn-id: http://www.neo1973-germany.de/svn@46 46df4e5c-bc4e-4628-a0fc-830ba316316d
17 years ago